Short and sweet post this week! ENJOY THE HEAT, I know I am loving it! (not a joke) ... BUT I HAD TO SHARE THIS TOO:
Life really boils down to 2 questions...
1. Should I get a dog.....?
2. Should I have children?
Exercising? Ya Baby! Got in some walking, yoga, AND weight lifting! Feeling like a million bucks this week! This is a great turn of events, people... I feel like I will be going in strong to the third trimester... going to be keeping active for the next few months now! Despite the increase of waddling it causes, I am loving the soreness in the mornings form working out!
Maternity clothes? I did make a couple purchases this past week. First of all, I have been wearing sport shorts anytime we are outside... I was starting to get annoyed by not having any casual/cute shorts to wear if we went to any summer parties....and considering I get much hotter, much faster I will not tolerate jeans for the summer like I would pre-pregnancy.... so I did cave in and buy these gray shorts which basically go with everything! On top of that, I found this clearance rack tucked in the corner that had some REALLY NICE fall maternity sweaters I can wear for work. The original tags said 45/50$ each! But I got a couple for 20/25$ and figured once the summer is over, I might not have any choice but to be looking for maternity tops so it might be nice to have a couple on hand without paying 50 bucks a pop!! And holy moly, if it comes down to paying 50 bucks for a sweater to wear to work- I will just wear the same sweater over and over and over and over!! CRAZY.... Also have had many other suggestions from previous pregnant ladies (thank you), so I will keep them in mind when I NEED to get anything else, but for now, I think I am set for the summer!
Sleeping? I am still finding myself rolling (ALMOST) onto my back in the middle of the night which actually takes some pressure of my ribs. Who knows... so far nothing crucial has come out of it, but I am so looking forward to the night I do NOT have to lay on my left side! Oh man, three more months... three more months...... It also helps to use a pillow in between my legs and use Tyler as a pillow if I start to roll onto my back. Hehe.
Missing Anything? Yes, I am coming to believe the ultimate thing I miss is more room in my body for these poor ribs! Let me just say, it is NOT unbearable 24 hours of the day (thank God).... For the most part they hurt all the time, but then there are a couple days a week with a couple hours of torture where I seriously wonder how I will last till September with this pain. Knowing that it will go away soon and I will have a little relief in-between major flame ups helps, but my gosh, when they are pounding pain and radiating into my back I cant function.... it is so frustrating!!!!! It is even to the point now where they are sore to the touch, ALL THE TIME... so, who knows... we shall see what is next with this, but for now REST is really the best help. I have noticed that when it is hurting, the best thing to do is just lay down because if I push it I will be regretting it within hours....
Food cravings? I was watching my sweet tooth this week, promise! Especially because I knew I had to go in for my glucose testing on Monday the 25th.... hehe. But since I have not had any acid reflux issues I have been pretty lax on the fried food. In the past I tried to only do fried food once a week to avoid any tummy/throat issues... haha... these days I might eat fried food every other day! So that is something I need to watch, because my luck now with baby growing bigger, heartburn and acid reflux could be right around the corner and then I will really be regretting some of those food choices.
Heartburn? Nada, just rib pain... which I did do a little online research (I know not to believe EVERYTHING I read online) but it seems like I am not the only one with this WEIRD pain! All the ladies that said they had it with previous pregnancies talked about how much it sucked and how little helped relieve the pain, BUT it was gone within hours of the baby being born! So I suppose another great thing to look forward to with the arrival of Sal is PAIN FREE RIBS! Until then... rest and Tylenol.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Lysol spray... when women use the ONE bathroom we have upstairs on the main floor at work to go number 2 and then douse down the bathroom with the Lysol spray, I can't go anywhere near it... I gag and cough and frankly feel like I could throw up in the hallway before I reach the bathroom! And embarrassingly enough people at work had WITNESSED (more than once) this happening when I have to walk by the bathroom to fill my water bottle. I wish the ladies would use the downstairs, very private, bathroom with a couple stalls to do their business so that I don't have to inhale that damn spray!!
This Weeks Symptoms? Waddling... lots of waddling... Maybe from working out, maybe from sore muscles, maybe from this growing belly... I DON'T KNOW... But I for sure felt like a waddler this past week!
Any Movement? Absolutely... alive and well I am assuming by the strong movements and activity going on in there! He is still a little night owl, just like his mommy, and still likes to mess with Ty... Just when Ty will try to catch him moving to get a high five before bed time... he stops moving or he decides to punch/kick my organs... then, just when Ty takes his hand off and rolls over in bed to sleep, Sal goes crazy! Hehe. Already playing games....... OR maybe he is well behaved and just being very attentive when his dad talks to him.... umm.. guess we'll see about that!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Belly Button: in or out? Out... and now people will comment on it sticking out my shirts! Haha... funny little thing.
Wedding rings on or off? On... while at while at home and working out.
Overall Mood this week? HECTIC AND BUSY! Running here and running there, plans with this person and plans with that person, always filling every minute of my day with SOMETHING to do.... Tyler says I am never home! Haha... I don't disagree either... the only time I am around is if I am stuck on the couch nursing my rib pain! I am trying to enjoy every second I have of "freedom"... once the puppy and baby have consumed our lives I will look back at these days and say, "Wow, I was NEVER home!" haha..... But I know I will not regret it, because soon I will be home a lot and it will be a nice change of pace....
Looking forward to? We get to pick up Baya on SATURDAY!! Seriously don't know how I will get through this next week knowing we get to bring our little princess home on Saturday. And yes -- we know -- we will have interrupted sleep, lots of running around with a puppy, and some hard training a head of us.... it seems that people love to acknowledge how crazy we are for getting a puppy, and on top of it an ACTIVE VIZSLA, three months before a baby. And yes -- we know -- we have NO clue what we are in for, we are aware this will not be a piece of cake, but we are excited to take on the responsibility and we are looking forward to WORKING hard at building a good family dog for our kids! So I will rephrase this again just as I have been for the last couple weeks while people give us their opinions: We are crazy, but we are excited and ready to tackle it all... and you only live once so we have to make to most out of everything! We are looking at it all with the glass half full attitude, and if you would like to squish our excitement, just know, we have no room for negativity these days... it is nice that some people might be concerned for us, but just so you know, your worry will go in one ear and out the other. Now, if you have any great advice on how to juggle a growing family in a busy life, WE ARE ALL EARS!
Pit of the week? I don't think I can explain to you how BUSY we really have been... I honestly look into next week and do not see a day of rest till Sunday (unless my rib decides otherwise)... and even then, Sunday will be day of rest and play with the puppy. And honestly, "BUSY" never bothers me, but I would really like to fit in "finishing of the nursery" to the "BUSY".... I am crossing my fingers I get to put a paint brush to the wall SOMETIME this coming week! Oh and again, "BUSY" doesn't bother me, but when these ribs decide to knock me off my schedule, I get pretty pissed. So if they could stop interrupting my "BUSY", I would be a much happier person! There is just no way for me to make commitments because my ribs truly decide my schedule lately!
Peak of the week? Working out and being active when I can be has really been a great part of my week. I can't tell you the difference I feel just because I am getting back into the swing of things! It is an absolute mood booster when I can get my workout in and it helps me make better food decisions, too... no room for candy and sugar when I know I will be sweating a little later! Also, I just love that sore feeling after a great workout. It is like a constant reminder that you are pushing yourself and making your body stronger. I have not felt that in a while, so I am welcoming it over and over and over and over again!
Can't wait to share our homecoming with Baya next week!
Make it a great week everyone!
Much Love,