Monday, September 3, 2012

38 Weeks

Soooo... the excitement is continuing to GROW in this Foti house.  We are bouncing off the walls, preparing for Monday Sept 10th!  As the disappointment of having to have the c section fades, the important subject comes to the forefront - WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A LIVE NEWBORN BABY AT THIS TIME NEXT WEEK!  So crazy...    

Exercising?   Did some walking this week.. nothing else too crazy.  Sometimes I feel like Sal is sitting pretty low so it is getting really uncomfortable to do anything.  Even bending down to pick something off the ground seems to be almost impossible right now.  I feel like I am squishing him!  Then again, I will take a seat and I feel like his noggin is going to rip my ribs apart.  

Maternity clothes?  It is crazy how this all seems to be winding down so fast!  I am sure I will still be sporting SOME maternity stuff after considering you still look pregnant for weeks after a C Section....   but we'll see... I think I should bust out some old pants for motivation??  Or is that just depressing?? 

Sleeping?   Ya... I have already just counted this out of my life right now... no sleep is going to be the norm now. That is just the way it will be for 18+ years.  Haha... I say 18+ because I assume, being the worry wort that I am, I will be the mom waiting on the couch till the kids gets home to make sure they are okay.  So, we will see about that... but if you care, there is not much sleeping going on here at this time.... Still a couple nights of the restless leg syndrome, too!  Really hoping that goes away after Sal is here.

Missing Anything?   You know.. I am not really "missing it" because I have not had "it" in SOOOO long, but my mouth is watering for a MARTINI!  I know that it still might be a little while, because I want to make sure I can fully enjoy it... maybe with some sushi or a rare steak.... but any way, I know it is close so that feels great!  I do think that I will be enjoying a nice Guinness sooner than later though, considering the barley helps with breast-feeding! 

Food cravings?   Not much.... I do have to say I am going to watch carefully everything I take in this coming week.  From what I have been reading the gas/digestion process is one of the most painful parts in the recovery of a C Section and although it is not scientifically confirmed, many women recommend a VERY healthy diet with easy to digest foods the week prior to a scheduled C Section.  I suppose I have nothing to lose... I am going to have to be super healthy after Salvatore is born anyway to make sure he is getting the nutrients he needs along with helping me to get back into shape.  Might as well start now!  Good bye McDonald's Breakfast, good bye Taco Bell, and good bye ICE CREAM!  Not that I was NOT eating healthy already I just really need to cut the crap that I gave into more that usual...  So hello FRUITS AND VEGGIES (which should not be a problem for me)!   

Heartburn?  Nada.... let's hope this trend continues AFTER Sal is here....   

Anything making you queasy or sick?  nothing in particular... just having a full and heavy tummy has been a little nauseating, but that should change this week when I am not shoving everything in sight in my mouth.   I have been on a (seafood) diet...  ya, (SEE FOOD) and eat it...

This Weeks Symptoms?  ITCHY and tender belly!  I feel like it need to scratch it all the time, yet some areas are a little tender and they hurt when I put any pressure!  I have been lotion-ing up a TON and trying to keep the area from getting dry skin!  Other than that just swelling and lack of sleep which is normal for this stage in the pregnancy!  One other biggie that I have really noticed this past week is the awesomeness of a baby sitting/putting pressure on the sciatic nerve.  Wow-za... that is NOT fun.  It is like a flaming pain shooting from the bottom of the back, through your ass cheek and into the leg.  Ya, that is NOT cool and VERY painful, but only for a couple seconds, thank God!   

Any Movement?   He is ready to break out.  I am positive of this.  Haha.  He pushes his head up so far I feel like it might pop out of the top of my belly!  It is SO crazy how strong he feels!  I am assuming this is why parts of my belly are so tender... it is like he is punching me from the inside!  I have been falsely convinced many times this past week that he had flipped with the amount of movement and pain in there!  And then I go back to feeling his head poking out the top or jammed back in the ribs... This is a roller coaster right to the end!!  

Labor Signs?   Nothing really.... feeling VERY MILD little craps... I am guessing this is because he is dropping lower and lower.... Very few braxton hicks contractions as well... Some are kinda uncomfortable, but manageable for sure...

Belly Button: in or out?  Beginning to wonder what this will look like AFTER the pregnancy...  ew.  

Wedding rings on or off?   Still wearing the fake one!    

Overall Mood this week?  Kinda blah.... I think I am in shock, denial, awe, disbelief that Sal is seriously going to be here VERY soon!  It feels like a dream almost.  I am so tired that I have a hard time showing my excitement sometimes... don't let my fatigue fool you.  I cannot wait to get this kid out of my tummy.  I would like some alone time for my uterus.  In addition to my selfish reasons, I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHAT THIS LITTLE MAN LOOKS LIKE!!    

Looking forward to?  Enjoying our last week BABY-FREE!  I think Tyler and I will still be restless and excited for Sal to just BE HERE already... but we have to also remember to enjoy this peace and quiet while we can... enjoy our uninterrupted TV watching time...  enjoy having adult conversations that are not revolved around poop, puke, and feeding Salvatore.  Spend our last week giving Baya all the attention...  So ya... just looking forward to our last week of just the two of us (and Bay-Bay)!    

Pit of the week?  Not really anything to put here... still doing lots of research regarding the C section.  I just want to be FULLY prepared and know what to expect after... If I think about it too much I get sad that it has to go down this way, but as everyone says... a healthy baby is all  that matters!!      

Peak of the week?  Getting all my thank yous out!!!   And after THREE showers in such a tight time... I hope to GOD I got everyone a thank you that much deserved one (easily was like 75-80ish Thank Yous between all three showers!).  I did not feel the pressure or disruption of the so called "baby brain" until writing these thank yous.... I wanted to make every thank you perfect considering the extremely generous family and friends that have spoiled Sal over the last couple months.  I HIGHLY advise making a spread sheet and saving information to it as you do your thank yous...  I did this for our wedding and it worked wonderfully, but for some reason I neglected this logic thinking I had it together for the baby shower thank yous and I cannot tell you how many times I questioned what I was doing!  Ugh.  But I think they are ALL out/on their way.  And in writing all these thank yous, it really makes me kinda mushy.  I love that Tyler and I have such huge families and it is awesome to FEEL the love and support.  It makes bringing a new baby into this CRAZY world SO MUCH easier... So thanks family and friends for being so phenomenal!  We are looking forward to our Sweet Salvatore meeting you!

Make it a great week everyone!

Much Love,  

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