Thursday, September 20, 2012

Baby Salvatore is Home!

 Mr. Sal Man is HOME AT LAST!

So… ironically I thought I would never have time to update you on our status after our sweet Sal was born, but I have been a little bored lately!  Sal is a WONDERFUL baby.  He has only been crying (and by crying I mean a wimpy whine) when he has a dirty diaper.  He sleeps so much!  So I usually go between staring at him and watching awful daytime TV.  I am pretty immobile still right now and I hang out on the couch, but I have the itch to get out and do something!!  It is getting better day by day!

So from the start I wanted to just tell you a little bit about the AMAZING C-Section experience I had.  It was 120% better than I could have ever imagined.  From the second we were shown our room to the second I got in the car to go home, I was impressed beyond means with the staff, experience, and care that my family was getting.  When you think about labor and delivery – you think panic, fast pace, and HIGH anxiety.  Despite the fact that I had NORMAL anxiety for someone going through their first C-section, there was NO panic, fast movements, and very little anxiety about the unknown… Before heading into the OR my doctor came in to lay out what was in store for Sal’s birthday.  Not only did she lay out the schedule so I knew what to expect minute by minute, in the OR she talked me though everything that was happening.  I felt so calm and it was so unbelievably easy to put all my trust in her.  We went into the OR at 10am, I don’t think Tyler was even aloud in the room for another ten minutes while they prepped me, which in that time I had two great nurses holding my hands and talking me through everything.  Everyone was taking guesses at his weight and no one really expected anything over 7lbs.  All the friendly voices and conversations going on kept my mind off what was going on in the operating room until that damn spinal block!  Let me tell you – that shot in the back to numb the area was a BITCH and because I never had a contraction I will say that was the worst pain in my life, but it was for like TWO seconds and when it was done I thought – if that is the worst pain I feel, so be it… let’s get this babe out!  Soon enough Tyler was right there by my side as well and they were starting the surgery.  Tyler got a little white as a ghost after he saw me uncontrollably shaking on the table from hormones, meds, and the FREEZING temperature in the OR so I offered him my puke bucket but he pulled himself together real quick.  

We were told that C-section babies might not cry right away due to the fluid in their lungs that was not squeezed out during a natural delivery, so when she pulled him out and I heard crying right away I just starting balling!  I did not expect that reaction, but it was seriously one of the most amazing moments in my life.  They put him on the scale and crazy enough he was 7lbs and 8ounces!  No one in the room could believe that thing was inside of me!  He was weighed and measured in the same room so when I turned my head to the right I could see everything that going on.  I also had Tyler taking pictures and coming back to show me.  Once he was out, I have no clue what happen after.  I was on cloud nine just watching him and admiring the life that Tyler and I made.  On the way back to my room to recover, they placed Sal in my arms and we had our first cuddle.  It was amazing.  Right when I got into my room we started breast-feeding.  He was a champ from the very first latch.  I needed help for the first day, but by day number two, Sal and I were on the same page when it came to feeding time.  When the lactation consultant came in to see us and answer any questions, she said “wow, he is like a poster child for breastfeeding!” and I about melted off any stress I might have had left when it came to feeding!  We did have some night time feeding issues which caused a 9% weight loss by the time we left the hospital, but after two nights of supplementing while breast feeding, we got the hang of it.  The only concern I have about breast feeding at this time is upping my supply.  I have only been pumping maybe 2 times a day, but I would like to start pumping after every feeding now to bring in more milk.  I think this is what I am suppose to do.  I also think I need to up the calorie intake to make more milk… but these are all things I should have answers to soon with a call to the lactation specialist.… any advice is also welcome from those moms out there who have been through this!

On top of the lovely delivery, we were lucky enough to have the best night nurse in the building: Lindsay (Tyler’s sister) was working every night we were there… this was NOT planned, just happened to be awesome though!  Sal was only in our room at night for feeding, other than that his auntie was cuddling with him at the nurse’s station.  What a lucky little dude… he got special treatment, too!

Salvatore loves to sleep!  As of right now he is not back to his birth weight so we are waking him up every four hours at night to feed.  During the day we are feeding every 2.5 hours.  I can honestly tell you he is not a crier.  When the pediatrician asked if we had any questions and concerns, I said, ya… is it okay that he does not cry and he sleeps a lot?  She laughed at me and said – yes, consider yourself lucky; you got a good one!  So ya, Tyler and I are waiting for hell to break loose and Sal to wear us out, but for now… this house has been very peaceful for just bringing home a NEWBORN!  This brings me to the next order of business… I think I am ready for baby #2, now.  HAHAHA. (kinda not joking…)    

Exercising?  NOT  YET! Walking has been a challenge…  The incision is the most painful part, and weird enough there is no pain on the right side but the left side burns like no other!  Ice has been my best friend.  Really looking forward to my SIX week appointment already to be removed from exercising restrictions!  I am dying to start working out.  Most of all, I am so ready to be able to go walk with Ty, Baya and Sal tucked safe in the Bjorn!  My goal is a walk around the block by Monday!  We’ll see…  

Maternity clothes?  More like Tyler’s sweatshirts and sweat pants and any large ones that I might have!  The weight is dropping a little faster than I expected, but I have not tempted to put and regular clothes on.  I do not want to until I feel 100% happy with where I am at, and I do not foresee that anytime too soon.  Also the scar is a burning pain, so I need a lot of room in my pants to stuff bags of ice on my scar.  Haha… I shuffle around the house holding bags of ice in my pants.  Pretty funny. 

Sleeping?  Sooo… I know this might not last and I am enjoying it while I can, but I am sleeping more now than I was in my last month of pregnancy.  Despite getting up every four hours to feed, I got EIGHT hours of sleep the other night… ya, not uninterrupted, BUT EIGHT HOURS and my kid is a week old.  Like I said, I am enjoying it while I can… plus the healing calls for lots of rest.  Sal must really want me to heal quickly… wonder what he has in store for me.  Is this the calm before the storm!?

Missing Anything?  NADA.  Loving life!  I even said if I knew Sal was going to be as great as he is, I would have done this two years ago when Tyler asked if we could have a baby! 

Food cravings?  … just trying to eat a lot to get a good milk supply! 

Heartburn?  Nothing. Even enjoying 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day! 

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nope. 

This Weeks Symptoms?   SYMPTOMS of post C-section/new mom… Well, here are some brutal honest answers that might be a little TMI (just warning you)…. scar pain (burning feeling at the incision site), CRAMPS (like a very bad period!), oh and the actual period (how much I did not miss that – but it is VERY light so nothing too bad), also… very very very sore/hard boobs and nipples from breast feeding.  They are getting better but I know the first week I was thinking “you have got to be kidding me if my boobs are in the much pain- how do women do this for years!?”  But it is getting better fast, so no worries!  and tired (EVEN THOUGH I AM GETTING GOOD SLEEP)… but I think no matter what breast feeding/pumping SUCKS energy out of you like no other! 

Belly Button: in or out?  Just kinda there… nothing too exciting to report.  And, NOT as scary looking as I would have thought.  

Wedding rings on or off?  Still do not fit yet!  Is that normal!?  Please tell me that my fingers are not going to stay like sausages!  I know they have slimed down quite a bit, but please tell me they go back to the size they were before pregnancy! 

Overall Mood this week?  Super blessed, extremely happy, uncontrollably excited… I feel like I am dreaming… I mean it is like a freaking fairytale over here.  How can I not be the happiest person on the planet right now.  Tyler and I gaze into Sal’s face as he sleeps and talk about how freaking lucky we are… and we do this EVERYDAY.  The kid doesn’t put up a fuss for anything – well maybe when you change his dirty diaper on the cold changing station on the pack n play, but really… we can put him down anywhere and if he is awake he will just stare around and watch whatever is going on (TOTALLY CONTENT) and if he is sleeping, he will sleep ANYWHERE like a rock.  We have so much commotion going on in and out of the house and he will be in his nap nanny on the kitchen table sleeping through it all.  He is perfect. 

Looking forward to?  Getting out of the hOUSE!  I am going crazy being bound to the couch, no driving, no lifting besides the baby… I am ready to get out, explore with Sal, go show him off… you know… just NOT BE STUCK HERE!  Haha. 

Pit of the week?  So this recovery is NOT AS BAD as I thought it would be… yes, it is painful, but it is getting better every day and therefore this NOT a pit even though I would have thought it would be the biggest pit!  But it is NOT the pit.  I would do it all three times over if it meant that I got to come home with Salvatore.  Guess that’s what moms mean when they say you forget about the pain and the pain does not matter… because literally, when you hold them and look at them the pain kind of clears away! 

Peak of the week?  This is clearly obvious… 


Make it a great week everyone!

Much Love,

Sunday, September 9, 2012

39 Weeks

Wow... 39 weeks!  You would think 39 weeks is a long time... and ya, it is a LONG time if you really think about it.  But I clearly remember the FIRST TIME I really thought I was pregnant.  We were in California for the Rose Bowl and I was feeling this awful, empty pit stomach and I kept thinking to my self - "I have to eat right now or I might pass out....OH MY GOD- am I pregnant!?"   Ya, almost 39 weeks ago, I had not even missed a period YET, but I remember that crazy rush when I told Tyler sitting in the airport to go home from Cali, "I would put all my chips in- I am pregnant, babe."  Ya, and when I think about it that way, I remember it like yesterday.  

But with all that we have done and accomplished in the last 39 weeks I am truly amazed at how fast this went.  We have moved from our apt into a home, where we have been constantly working to make it "ours".  From seeding the yard to decorating, organizing, and making a sweet man cave for daddy... and just around the corner our fence will be put in for Baya to roam the backyard.  It is crazy to think that we have been rasing a crazy little puppy into a fabulously well behaved dog and we cannot wait for Salvatore to share in that joy with us.  Looking back at how our lives have revolved one step closer and closer to being parents makes me assume this is why God creates this time frame from pregnancy to birth.  It allows us to grow, mature, and become ready to take care of this innocent life that we are blessed with.  And crazy enough I cannot express to you how READY I am now... which is WAY MORE  ready than 39 weeks ago, thankfully.  Our God, He works in mysterious ways....    

My overall feelings about pregnancy are a total toss up.  I am so ready to be done right now.  It is great to see the light at the end of the tunnel and have the wiggle monster out of my tummy and in OUR ARMS!  It will be great to have that first martini and sushi roll.  And on the other hand, I will not be hesitating to get pregnant again any time soon.  It was a a little roller coaster-ish, but I really have nothing too much to complain about!  Maybe... just hoping the next babe doesn't find comfort being jammed up in my rib, but other than that, only 25 lbs later, no major pains or awful symptoms... I think this went way  better than I had expected and I know I could do this again a couple more times! (right, Ty?)

Exercising?   Just some walking.... feeling so heavy and low that it is just uncomfortable to do anything more than sit.  Even then, that gets a little uncomfortable!  He is basically sitting in my lap when I sit down...

Maternity clothes?
 Packed some VERY comfy clothes and looking forward to lounging in them while we get to know our little guy.  I assume after a C Section, cute clothes are far from your mind, but I do hear it feels great to be wearing YOUR OWN CLOTHES over the gowns provided by the hospital.  Still looking forward to getting into may old jeans, cute top, and heals for a night out... but yes, I understand that might be a ways away still......

  Still attempting.... nothing is comfortable though... Not laying on my right side, not laying on my left side, and not even resting in a recliner like many people have kindly suggested!  And with the C Section, I assume it will still be a while before I get to comfortably sleep on my tummy.... so I think I will just look forward to that day - sleeping on my tummy.  Sleep, in general, is something we can't complain about because we get a beautiful little baby from all of this!

Missing Anything?  Nothing really to miss right now... when there is a light at the end of the tunnel, there is no anxiety about missing anything because in a short time I don't have to miss anything!  Well maybe my sanity, but that's another story.       

Food cravings?   Oh it was really hard to cut back on the sweets and salts, but I just wanted to end this on a great note.  I did have a little ice cream here and there and a piece of chocolate, too, but did very well eating my veggies and fruit along with high protein and fiber snacks!        

 Heartburn?  It was really hard to eat this week.  I felt sick after every meal and yet I have been so hungry.  Bad combination.  I would be really hungry but as soon as I started eating I would feel too full and my tummy would hurt.  I think it is safe to assume my tummy is ready to have some time without Sal poking his head in the way all the time!

Anything making you queasy or sick?  You know... I forgot to mention this earlier, but dog poo makes me gag, big time.  We will be walking and if Bay drops one and I get a whiff of it...  I literally start gaging and almost throwing up right there on our walk.  I can't believe that my senses are still so heightened and I hope that calms down after the pregnancy because I might be using Sal's diaper pail as a puking bucket every time I have to change a diaper!  I have never been sensitive to SMELL before I was pregnant....  please tell me this goes away!    

This Weeks Symptoms?    Waddling and swelling... even my neighbor said that I look like I am waddling more now.  Haha... I suppose she would know - they are sitting on their porch a lot and they see us walking Baya all the time!  And ya, still a little swelling.  I still see my ankles though, so that makes me feel better!

 Any Movement?   I forgot what it feels like to NOT have something constantly wiggling/punching/kicking inside of me.  I am missing having my own space.  I think 39 weeks is long enough to share and I am grateful I had the ability to do this for Sal, but I really just need a little alone time in there!  I don't know if this is just what happens when babies are breech, but I am pretty sure his foot gave a nice lofty kick down the birth canal which was pretty much, by far, the most unpleasant pain I have felt yet from his constant moving.  I thought they were suppose to slow down towards the end... find a sleep pattern...not move as much... something like that... because as far as I know this kid does not sleep.  

Labor Signs?
  Still some MILD cramps that are getting stronger (last week I wrote craps, so I hope people realize I was not talking about my digestive system!)... And still feeling braxton hix contractions here and there, which are also getting more uncomfortable. (should I be happy that I don't have to feel contractions with a C section? - but then again that's what those great drugs are for!)....  

Belly Button: in or out?  How long does it take to go back to normal?  Haha... this just entertains me too much.    

Wedding rings on or off?
  Still off... the fake one is still doing it's job: fending off any single men that might be interested in this hot mama... or maybe it's the big round belly that deters them... Whatev, I like to think it is the ring.  Haha.       

Overall Mood this week?  Pretty DAMN excited!  I am feeling confident and ready to go.  Almost finished with a great book - BabyWise (recommend to me by one of my cousins) ... TOTALLY recommend it to anyone who is pregnant and hoping to get their baby to sleep from 7pm-7am by three months even if it is a breast-fed baby!  This book offers tons of GREAT advice for breast-feeding and sleeping structures for a newborn.  Of course, all advice is subject to torture by other mothers but I personally gained most, if not ALL, of my confidence for breast-feeding and sleeping structures through this book.  It even has charts in the back and check lists for making sure your baby is getting the nutrients it needs to grow (especially because the number one question of the breast-feeding mom is "Are they getting enough to eat!?")... I just recommend to you to look at it and consider it as a guide to make sure that you are in control of how you want to structure these things with your baby.  And yes, I don't know any better, because, silly me, I have never had a baby before...  BUT I do know that confidence and structure will help for successful breast-feeding and sleeping structures ALONG with keeping the baby blues away for the mommy!!  So if none of this works to a tee, at least I am going in with confidence and realistic goals.  I do understand the first couple weeks are COMPLETE AND UTTER SURVIVAL MODE... so it does ALSO say in the book, to keep in mind the first weeks are VERY hard to set ANY structure or time frames - in fact they recommend you DON'T put that pressure on yourself....  but with the understanding of the BabyWise advice in the back of your head you can begin to achieve success within WEEKS/MONTHS!              

Looking forward to?
 The minute I get to lay my eyes on my little man!  OH SOOO SOOO SOON!

Pit of the week?
 There is NO pit for this week.... we are finally getting to meet this precious human that we made!!  I was not letting ANYTHING bring me down this week!             

Peak of the week?
 Ummm... so I suppose my peak would be feeling prepared and confident.  Never thought, that I, Jackie (Palasz) Foti, would be PREPARED and CONFIDENT to bring a little newborn baby home.  And you know those "motherly instincts" that I have NEVER felt in my ENTIRE LIFE... well I think they are there... I think they just all of a sudden appeared!  I mean ya, there are some quarks that I know I need to learn, but BRING IT ON, baby, BRING IT ON!!!    

* * *

Now we move onto the best years of our lives... first smile, first laugh, first tooth, first haircut, first walk, first word... these are things we will look forward to as a family. And I could not be more excited for it all to just HAPPEN already!  Starting Monday, September 10th, at approximately 10am, Tyler and I will be the proud parents of little Salvatore John Foti and we cannot wait to share that joy with the world.  This leads me to say; no more pregnancy posts....  My goal would definitely be to update the blog still and talk about what life is like with a baby in the picture (but I know there will be a lot to juggle right off the bat).  Plus this has just been a great resource of knowledge with the many people who have provided amazing feedback so I do look forward to all the moms I know out there continuing to send their advice my way once Sal is here!  I will for sure be asking for it!!  Thanks again for sharing in this amazing journey, but the best part is yet to come!  Cannot wait to introduce to you our newest edition!  Hope you all get some sleep for me tonight, because I am wide-eyed, rearing to go, so I do not see much good sleep in my evening!!   Much Love Everyone!  And of course to close it out, some lyrics I want to dedicate to my sweet Sal by one of my favorites, Shinedown (I know originally done by Lynyrd Skynyrd - but I hear Shinedown when I read these!)

"Simple Man"
Well mama told me, when I was young
Said sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say
And if you do this, it'll help you some sunny day

Yeah it will

Or take your time don't live to fast
Troubles will come and they will pass
You'll find a woman and you'll find love
And don't forget that there's is a someone up above


Be a simple kind of man
Be a something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
(if you can)

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need now is in your soul
And you can do this(oh baby)if you try
All that I want from you my son is to be satisfied


And be a simple kind of man
Be a something that you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
(if you can)

Oh don't you worry
You'll find yourself
Follow your heart
And nothing else
And you can do this(oh baby)if you try
All that I want from you my son is to be satisfied


And be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
So baby be a simple be a simple man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can



Monday, September 3, 2012

38 Weeks

Soooo... the excitement is continuing to GROW in this Foti house.  We are bouncing off the walls, preparing for Monday Sept 10th!  As the disappointment of having to have the c section fades, the important subject comes to the forefront - WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A LIVE NEWBORN BABY AT THIS TIME NEXT WEEK!  So crazy...    

Exercising?   Did some walking this week.. nothing else too crazy.  Sometimes I feel like Sal is sitting pretty low so it is getting really uncomfortable to do anything.  Even bending down to pick something off the ground seems to be almost impossible right now.  I feel like I am squishing him!  Then again, I will take a seat and I feel like his noggin is going to rip my ribs apart.  

Maternity clothes?  It is crazy how this all seems to be winding down so fast!  I am sure I will still be sporting SOME maternity stuff after considering you still look pregnant for weeks after a C Section....   but we'll see... I think I should bust out some old pants for motivation??  Or is that just depressing?? 

Sleeping?   Ya... I have already just counted this out of my life right now... no sleep is going to be the norm now. That is just the way it will be for 18+ years.  Haha... I say 18+ because I assume, being the worry wort that I am, I will be the mom waiting on the couch till the kids gets home to make sure they are okay.  So, we will see about that... but if you care, there is not much sleeping going on here at this time.... Still a couple nights of the restless leg syndrome, too!  Really hoping that goes away after Sal is here.

Missing Anything?   You know.. I am not really "missing it" because I have not had "it" in SOOOO long, but my mouth is watering for a MARTINI!  I know that it still might be a little while, because I want to make sure I can fully enjoy it... maybe with some sushi or a rare steak.... but any way, I know it is close so that feels great!  I do think that I will be enjoying a nice Guinness sooner than later though, considering the barley helps with breast-feeding! 

Food cravings?   Not much.... I do have to say I am going to watch carefully everything I take in this coming week.  From what I have been reading the gas/digestion process is one of the most painful parts in the recovery of a C Section and although it is not scientifically confirmed, many women recommend a VERY healthy diet with easy to digest foods the week prior to a scheduled C Section.  I suppose I have nothing to lose... I am going to have to be super healthy after Salvatore is born anyway to make sure he is getting the nutrients he needs along with helping me to get back into shape.  Might as well start now!  Good bye McDonald's Breakfast, good bye Taco Bell, and good bye ICE CREAM!  Not that I was NOT eating healthy already I just really need to cut the crap that I gave into more that usual...  So hello FRUITS AND VEGGIES (which should not be a problem for me)!   

Heartburn?  Nada.... let's hope this trend continues AFTER Sal is here....   

Anything making you queasy or sick?  nothing in particular... just having a full and heavy tummy has been a little nauseating, but that should change this week when I am not shoving everything in sight in my mouth.   I have been on a (seafood) diet...  ya, (SEE FOOD) and eat it...

This Weeks Symptoms?  ITCHY and tender belly!  I feel like it need to scratch it all the time, yet some areas are a little tender and they hurt when I put any pressure!  I have been lotion-ing up a TON and trying to keep the area from getting dry skin!  Other than that just swelling and lack of sleep which is normal for this stage in the pregnancy!  One other biggie that I have really noticed this past week is the awesomeness of a baby sitting/putting pressure on the sciatic nerve.  Wow-za... that is NOT fun.  It is like a flaming pain shooting from the bottom of the back, through your ass cheek and into the leg.  Ya, that is NOT cool and VERY painful, but only for a couple seconds, thank God!   

Any Movement?   He is ready to break out.  I am positive of this.  Haha.  He pushes his head up so far I feel like it might pop out of the top of my belly!  It is SO crazy how strong he feels!  I am assuming this is why parts of my belly are so tender... it is like he is punching me from the inside!  I have been falsely convinced many times this past week that he had flipped with the amount of movement and pain in there!  And then I go back to feeling his head poking out the top or jammed back in the ribs... This is a roller coaster right to the end!!  

Labor Signs?   Nothing really.... feeling VERY MILD little craps... I am guessing this is because he is dropping lower and lower.... Very few braxton hicks contractions as well... Some are kinda uncomfortable, but manageable for sure...

Belly Button: in or out?  Beginning to wonder what this will look like AFTER the pregnancy...  ew.  

Wedding rings on or off?   Still wearing the fake one!    

Overall Mood this week?  Kinda blah.... I think I am in shock, denial, awe, disbelief that Sal is seriously going to be here VERY soon!  It feels like a dream almost.  I am so tired that I have a hard time showing my excitement sometimes... don't let my fatigue fool you.  I cannot wait to get this kid out of my tummy.  I would like some alone time for my uterus.  In addition to my selfish reasons, I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHAT THIS LITTLE MAN LOOKS LIKE!!    

Looking forward to?  Enjoying our last week BABY-FREE!  I think Tyler and I will still be restless and excited for Sal to just BE HERE already... but we have to also remember to enjoy this peace and quiet while we can... enjoy our uninterrupted TV watching time...  enjoy having adult conversations that are not revolved around poop, puke, and feeding Salvatore.  Spend our last week giving Baya all the attention...  So ya... just looking forward to our last week of just the two of us (and Bay-Bay)!    

Pit of the week?  Not really anything to put here... still doing lots of research regarding the C section.  I just want to be FULLY prepared and know what to expect after... If I think about it too much I get sad that it has to go down this way, but as everyone says... a healthy baby is all  that matters!!      

Peak of the week?  Getting all my thank yous out!!!   And after THREE showers in such a tight time... I hope to GOD I got everyone a thank you that much deserved one (easily was like 75-80ish Thank Yous between all three showers!).  I did not feel the pressure or disruption of the so called "baby brain" until writing these thank yous.... I wanted to make every thank you perfect considering the extremely generous family and friends that have spoiled Sal over the last couple months.  I HIGHLY advise making a spread sheet and saving information to it as you do your thank yous...  I did this for our wedding and it worked wonderfully, but for some reason I neglected this logic thinking I had it together for the baby shower thank yous and I cannot tell you how many times I questioned what I was doing!  Ugh.  But I think they are ALL out/on their way.  And in writing all these thank yous, it really makes me kinda mushy.  I love that Tyler and I have such huge families and it is awesome to FEEL the love and support.  It makes bringing a new baby into this CRAZY world SO MUCH easier... So thanks family and friends for being so phenomenal!  We are looking forward to our Sweet Salvatore meeting you!

Make it a great week everyone!

Much Love,  

Sunday, August 26, 2012

37 Weeks

FULL TERM!  Whoa!  Where did these past 37 weeks go!?  Don't mind the fat arms and bloated face... I think this is what pregnancy is suppose to look like at 37 weeks... right??  haha... If not, just say yes.  Thank you!  And look at Bay-Bay!  She is getting so big.  She has more than doubled in size since we brought her home now (8 weeks ago)... we brought her home right under 10lbs.  She is a little over 20 lbs now!!  I can no longer carry her comfortably.  We are very much looking forward to introducing her to her little bud, Sal very SOON! 

So.... we had our doctor visit which included a little ultra sound to see how Sal is positioned.... And now I feel like that damn rib pain is finally explained!! His noggin has been nestled right under my right rib all this time!  His head is up towards my right side, his little booty is resting on the bottom right side, and his little kicking feet continue to bang in to the bottom left side of my belly (a very tender area!).  He has been moving A TON since the dr apt but I am not totally convinced yet that he will completely flip.  I wonder if as I continue to drop he can wiggle out from the ribs and turn but I am trying to not stress over it....   The doctor said there is still some chance he will flip, but I am guessing he has been in this position for months explaining the inflamed rib!  The other option was ECV (external cephalic version) which is where the doctor and a specialist monitor the baby while trying to move him in your belly into the right position for a natural delivery.  Since I had already a HUGE hunch that Sal's head was up (I have been telling Tyler that this large "limb" pushing out of the top of my belly is too big to be a foot or hand so I was CONVINCED it was his head!), I had done my homework.  #1.  This process. ECV, works about 58% of the time for a 2nd baby... not so successful for a first pregnancy since the uterus is so tight.... #2. Another thing that drew me away from this is that while they are pushing and turning, they can cause labor by detaching the uterus/placenta or stress Sal enough that they would have to do an emergency C section right away.  No thanks, would rather plan a C section while he is not under a whole bunch of stress from people invading his territory!  #3.  Also, I heard/read it was very painful and uncomfortable.  I already feel like the inside of my tummy is bruised and there are parts that are tender to the touch, so I cannot IMAGINE two people pushing all over my belly and turning Sal...  So all in all... there must be a reason he is positioned the way he is and I suppose we just work with what we got and be thankful that we live in a day and age that they can deliver him via C section rather a breech natural delivery...(Thank God!) 

So.. like the doctor ordered, we scheduled the C section in the week before the due date.  In fact, Daddy asked for the earliest possible opening on Monday!  (Someone is EXCITED to hold the little guy!)  Daddy even said in the doctor office how either way, he won't be able to sleep the night before.  haha.  I am so excited that Tyler is on cloud nine.  And honestly, it sucks that I will not be able to hold Sal right away, but I am so happy that it means the WORLD to Tyler that he gets to be the first to hold him.  I cannot wait to see the smile on Tyler's face.  So, I am sure we will have our bags packed at the door and ready to go before the weekend of the September 8th, and I am sure Tyler and I will not get any sleep the night of the 9th... because shortly after 10am on September 10th, 2012 we will have our little Salvatore in our arms! 

Exercising?   Got SOME walking in this week...(Baya was getting her workouts in Doggy-Day-Care with all the big dogs!) but with all the cleaning and organizing we did with the house, I honestly feel like I ran a marathon!!  SO SORE and tired!  

Maternity clothes?  Popped over to Old Navy... got some very comfy large pants and tops for after the C section.  The pants are a VERY thin sweat pant with a band that can be very low or very high to work around an incision.... and the tops are  the same material with buttons down the front to accommodate for feeding.  Also going to look for a couple maxi dresses at Walmart... and of course... getting some hot granny panties to accommodate for the healing and the scar after Sal is born.  Watch out, hide your husbands and your sons, I will be one hot mama!  (wink wink)  

Sleeping?   I WISH.... I am just absolutely exhausted 24/7 right now.  Pretty sure I have Restless Leg Syndrome and it is one of the most annoying symptoms that I have had yet in these 37 weeks.  Tyler has had this for years, and I FINALLY understand how disturbing it is now... It is not painful at all, in fact, I cannot explain to you what it "feels" like... but let me tell you - I flail all over the place for like an hour before I even fall asleep.  Then I wake up shortly after to go potty and do it all over again.... The only thing painful about it is missing the MUCH NEEDED sleep from CONSTANTLY having to move... and then using every muscle to move... and then TRYING to sleep on one side although it hurts because I can't sleep on the other side, just to be annoyed enough by the restless legs and turning into a whole new position... ya, I feel like a fish out of water and I wonder how Tyler sleeps through a beached whale shaking the bed with every move.   Wish someone could just sedate me for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep before Sal arrives.   

Missing Anything?   Sleep.  Something I know I will miss for a very long time but I have been a total b!tch this week!!  So I apologize to anyone that I might have snapped at... just really missing sleep right now....  

Food cravings?   Cold Cold Cold... for the last couple weeks I have really noticed that I love VERY COLD foods and drinks... must be why I have turned a huge ice cream fan.  I can't get my water cold enough and once the ice melts, I don't want to drink it anymore.   

Heartburn?  Just a little acid reflux... nothing too bad!    

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Eating too much!  HAHA.   I still am having a hard time eating a full meal.. I mean, I do it, but after I feel like it might all come back up.     

This Weeks Symptoms?  So the Restless Leg Syndrome bothers me at night a lot, but it is also very present during the day at work when I am sitting at my desk... I just want to move my legs and arms all day... nothing can SIT STILL!  Haha... it is not painful, just extremely annoying!  Also feeling the BLOAT.  Just feeling really chunky... not "fat" chunky, more like balloon chunky.... haha... it is NOT a heavy feeling, so it is hard to explain...  you just feel extra gooshy all over...  Like someone needs to put a pin in you and let some air out...   

Any Movement?  A ton... not any that makes me think he has flipped, but I do question it now every time he is moving and every time I feel a limb/body part... I wonder, okay, is this still the head?  Maybe it is a foot now?  What would it take to get my own little ultra sound device so I can keep my eye on him 24/7!?!?  It sucks not knowing what is what!!    

 Labor Signs?   Nada... no braxton hix contractions... nothing is going on downstairs either... which is good now that we are not using that area anymore anyway.... 

Belly Button: in or out?  What belly button?     

Wedding rings on or off?   Real ring still off... and still wearing my fake one. Haha.   

Overall Mood this week?  Haha...  I was one big fat crab ass.... it think the news of C section early in the week set it off and the restless leg syndrome/lack of sleep took it from there... I was so bummed out about the C section.  I think recovery (natural or C section) scares me the most, and now adding on to the time that I will be recovering is a bummer... I do feel the best option is the C section and I want Sal to come out healthy so that is all that matters.  Although there are many down sides to the C section over the natural birth, we were trying to talk about all the great attributes of this situation...  - Hopefully my water wont break before then in some crazy place like the grocery store or at work! - We KNOW we get to meet him on the 10th instead of WAITING for him to make the call! - He will have a nice round head, hopefully... unless those ribs had a say. - I can wear makeup and look pretty for my first picture with Sal. - Not having to question if I could have mustered through hours of labor without a C section as a result anyway. - Having a PLAN and set schedule (I love being able to be in control!).   

Looking forward to?  Well... pretty much TWO weeks away from the finish line here.... so that is TRULY what I am looking forward to.... I am feeling accomplished at home and I feel very ready to bring Sal home.  I am feeling pretty anxious to be done with the pregnancy  and most of all very excited to have Salvatore here with his family.  I know many of his family members are very anxious to meet him as well!    

Pit of the week?  Discovering that Sal is breech.  That was a curve ball.  But we are going to be fine!    

Peak of the week?  The last baby shower was held this Sunday at our house by the Foti's.  It was another shower well done!  Salvatore got MANY GREAT books and lots of diapers along with an abundance of sports wear and some very awesome gifts off the registry.  Oh and I can't forget the 3 legged gator, stuffed animal (family inside joke)... Sal is going to be ONE lucky little guy and we will make sure he knows it!  It is amazing to feel so taken care of by family and friends... there are VERY few items that Tyler and I need to purchase before Sal's arrival and it is minimal compared to the MANY gifts and clothes we have received.  We cannot thank family and friends enough for all the love and generosity.  We feel so loved and we cannot wait for Sal to meet all the amazing people that we are surrounded by! 

The house is DONE... I should take pictures of what we have been working on over the last couple months... too bad I don't have any "before" pics, so I don't know that it would really matter.  It just feels great to feel accomplished and READY for anything now.  

Starting the countdown!  As of Monday (tomorrow) morning at 10am, we will be exactly TWO weeks shy of Sal's arrival!  It's almost hard to get too excited, because what if we do the count down and get SUPER amped, go in for the C section, and find out he is flipped and then we will be playing the damn waiting game... But in the mean time... we are so ready to meet this kid!!   

Make it a great week everyone!

Much Love, Jax

Monday, August 20, 2012

36 Weeks


Exercising?  Walking - LOTS of walking!  We had a great time in Door County enjoying the lovely scenery and great hikes.  Baya was loving the different adventures from the rocks on the lake at Cave Point to the woods hike in the Peninsula State park!  We wore her out big time... resulting in a VERY WELL BEHAVED puppy!  IT WAS AWESOME!  Tyler and I are already looking forward to next year... Planning out all the hikes and parks we want to hit up.  Baya in tow and Sal tucked safe in the Bjorn!  CAN'T WAIT!      

Maternity clothes?  Just sporting what I got... nothing new... but I was already looking at the fall/winter wardrobes that are coming out.  I am already looking forward to my first little shopping trip post-Sal... and of course, after a little working out to get back into shape.  Do not want to be hanging out in the dressing room all depressed!  

Sleeping?   Really feeling like I am not getting the sleep I need lately...I feel like I am interrupted by changing positions in bed, rib pain, Sal moving all over, and bathroom breaks.... I just do not feel refreshed when the alarm goes off!  I feel like I am yawning all day at work and just dying to get home and and rest! 

 Missing Anything?  umm... not REALLY... I would say I am not dying to to be done with this because I am just getting the hang of being pregnant and making things work for me, pretty soon I will have to jump on a whole new boat.... Ya, that NEW MOM boat, where everything is a whole new world all over again.... so right now, I am not missing much, I am going to TRY to enjoy life without baby... life without crying... life without NO sleep... life without anxiety for the little one...  because SOON ENOUGH I could possibly miss having him safe, sound, and quite in my belly!  Haha.  But, I am  ready for that martini asap. 

 Food cravings?   Nothing this week... just kinda blah.  But still eating like Miss Piggy!  Even though it can't be too big of meals, I just feel like I am eating non-stop!  When I eat too much I feel like you could just roll me around ... it is awful.  Trying to be conscious of how much I am shoving in my mouth at one sitting because if I overeat it is like physically painful to move! 

 Heartburn?  Still a little acid reflux.... Mostly at night when I lay down to go to bed... so trying to use some pillows to prop me up a little more.  My throat is still not on fire... so nothing that is overwhelmingly annoying or painful!    

Anything making you queasy or sick?  no...  

This Weeks Symptoms?  Ummm... not much besides LOTS of movement that is sometimes kinda painful!  He pushes out so hard and I want to just push him back!  I feel like I am bruised from the inside in some areas on my tummy...  Other than that... swelling, a little back pain, tired... Very tired...  I feel like my brain is not functioning properly sometimes. I also feel like I look ridiculous when I am getting up from sitting down somewhere!  The waddling and lack of being able to move like I could a couple months ago... oh man, this belly controls it all!         

 Any Movement?  Absolutely, like I said, the little bugger must be getting strong!  He will make a movement and it looks like something is trying to come out of my belly and I want to just push him right back to let him know to settle down in there!  There is a area on my lower left side that literally feels bruised - some parts of my belly are tender to the touch!!  It is hard to sleep on my left side right now because it hurts so much and I think I can attribute this to maybe his head (a guess made by Lindsay) poking out.... oh man... I am looking forward to him moving into a new position soon!  

Labor Signs?   A couple braxton hix contractions here and there . . . nothing painful...    

Belly Button: in or out?  What belly button?    

Wedding rings on or off?   Officially OFF and put away safely.  This week the swelling really made a presence...  Even though I could get my rings off here and there, I heard a scary story of a woman that had to get her rings cut off because they were stuck!  So one night when I could NOT get them off, I just decided that the next time I COULD get them off, they were staying off... just in case.  Then the next night when they were still not budging too much, I pulled them over my knuckle like a mad woman and as painful as it was I was happy to have them safe and in one piece!  So, for now, just wearing a fake ring in place... you know, because pregnant ladies are easy hit on....    

Overall Mood this week?  Anxious!  I was so ready to get outta town and chill!  It was a busy week but the weekend could not come fast enough for me!  I knew this would be our last little getaway before Sal, so I was ready to enjoy every second of it!    

Looking forward to?  This coming week I am JAM PACKED busy.  I keep telling myself to get everything  in before I can't do ANYTHING!  I know that is crazy to say I can't do anything after the baby is born, but you know what I mean.  I am getting in all my dates with my girlfriends one last time before there is a screaming baby that interrupts us, I am getting in some finishing touches on decorations for the house, and cleaning.. of course... what would nesting be like with out the urge to have everything spotless and beautiful (although my energy level does not agree with that statement)!  Also, Tuesday we have a doctor apt and we get to see an ultra sound to see the positioning of Sal and to make sure all is going well!  Wednesday, we are having the Schemms over for dinner, and Thursday I am meeting Mrs. Nicole Shinnick from Madison for dinner.  This coming weekend, Tricia, from Madison is staying here to visit, we are meeting the Blue Marlin girlfriends for lunch on Saturday, and then my last baby shower on Sunday!  BUSY LIKE WHOA!  And as much as I LOVE to be a busy busy busy bee (you know this if you know me!), in all honesty, I am really  looking forward to NOT MAKING ANY PLANS.... I am looking forward to having sweet Salvatore in our arms and NOT leaving the house for anything... to not have to take a shower, to not have to get ready for anything, maybe go as far as to not HAVE to get out of bed, and I am looking forward to just cuddling and bonding and having nothing but Sal to worry about.  I know you moms out there are going to say this next statement is CRAZY, but it almost seems PEACEFUL to have that little baby in your arms and nothing else around you matters... life, work, hobbies, appointments.... etc....  

Pit of the week?  This is not a huge pit or anything... but just something I have to be really honest about.  After this week, I am ready to have Sal out of my tummy!  I GET THAT ALL MOMS ARE ALL EXCITED ABOUT FEELING THE BABIES MOVE AND WHAT NOT, which it was a great feeling and experience....  but I think I am at a point when I have too small of space for the little guy and he is growing by the hour... especially with the way I have been eating... so the movements are not so "fun" anymore.  I love knowing that he is safe and sound in there, but I just want my space back now.  Haha.  I feel very tight around the tummy and back so when he is punching/kicking the same spots over and over it kinda hurts!  There is very little give for him and I am sure he is quite annoyed by it as well....  

Peak of the week?  Door County!  I LOVE door county and love the parks and walking all over the place and the little shops... I don't know a more perfect spot for a weekend get away!  (unless people have suggestions!)  I cannot wait to do it again.    

Make it a great week everyone! Much Love, Jax 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

35 Weeks

 Wow do I look tired!!  Yuck!  Looking forward to enjoying putting make-up on and doing my hair sometime in the near future!  But for now, riding this pregnancy out just like it started.. no makeup and throwing my hair back without putting any effort into it.  And if you know me - that is just not my thing, but Sal is not a fan of getting pretty in the morning!  

Exercising?  Just walking.  Lately though, activities like shaving my legs feel like a strenuous workout! Everything seems to take more energy these days... even getting up out of the recliner!  I have been craving to get back on the hardcore workout train... I know I have no energy to do it now and I am sure once Sal is born the energy will be drained due to no sleep- but honestly... I just want to pop in an insanity DVD and mindlessly sweat for an hour!  I will probably not be able to keep up, but that's why I have Lindsay to push me through it!  Lindsay, hope your ready to get this lady back in shape!  I am going to find a 5k to run this spring or something... I need to feel good again!  Plus, soon enough I will have a great running partner: Baya!

Maternity clothes?
 ...  just what I already have  ....    

I am really really really looking forward to a night of sleep that I don't have to worry about what side I am laying on, not having to get up for a million bathroom breaks, and not having to completely wake up from using all my muscles just to MOVE/ROLL-OVER in bed when I am uncomfortable.  Pretty sure Tyler has stopped asking me what's wrong when I sigh or grunt loudly every time I am trying to move in bed!  Haha... that is hot, I know.        

Missing Anything?
 ummm... nothing really too much this past week... I am getting a little tired of the belly.  It is starting to feel kinda heavy and gets in the way a little (like shaving my legs!), so I am missing the "little" bump from the beginning.  I know it is only going to get bigger, so I am thinking next pregnancy I will remember to enjoy the days of the "little" bump because the bigger this gets the more I wish he was done growing already!  HAHA.   

Food cravings?
  Ya, this is probably why my belly is growing so fast!  I have been all about treats this week.  Chocolate, ice cream, and chocolate ice cream!  I made Tyler run out and get me a small chocolate malt one night from Culvers.  Really, I feel like I am eating for two all of a sudden.  I did not feel this way the whole pregnancy but now I feel hungry all the time.  I can tell you that I am loving all food and I have a bottomless pit for a stomach.  So far, I feel that I have done a good job at watching what I am eating and maintaining a healthy weight for me and baby... but this past week I might have been a little out of hand with the treats again.  Poor Sal is going to have sugar/chocolate withdrawal when he is born!

 No heartburn... just a little acid reflux here and there.  As for now, my throat is not on fire, so I will accept that my stomach is just as uncomfortable as I am because Sal is growing big, fast!  

Anything making you queasy or sick?

This Weeks Symptoms?
  My tummy has been SOOOOO DARN ITCHY!  I have been using BIO OIL since the day I found out I was pregnant and I have not seen a stretch mark yet, but this new itchy belly thing is DRIVING ME NUTS!  I am getting little red dots on my tummy from itching!  I sware that means I have dry skin or something, but I am trying to take care of it with lotion and it doesn't always work!!  AHHH!  I feel like I want to just take sand paper to it and rub rub rub!  Other than that, I feel like the swelling has begun.  I just feel slightly puffy - everywhere... I don't think it is super noticeable for other people, but I feel  it...   Oh and just when I say I am not feeling any pains that are making me wish this was all over (ie: back pain)...  BOOM, Sunday - I got back pain like you wouldn't believe!  KISS OF DEATH as Tyler was saying... apparently, I should stop bragging about how great I feel with one month to go!  Unfortunately, I had strong, very uncomfortable pain in my lower back ONLY on the right side.  Standing, sitting, laying... NOTHING relieved the pain.  Lets put this into context though... the minimized rib pain has spoiled me.  I kept asking myself, back pain or rib pain? - back pain or rib pain? - back pain or rib pain?  Concluding that I will take this damn back pain over the rib pain any day, but I am trying to be healthy and stay fit to keep these pains away!  WHY IS IT NOT WORKING??   Or is this a sign to slow down even more!?         

Any Movement?
  It feels like non-stop.... I am assuming because I get him all hyped up on sugar!  Haha.  Also, he must hear when I tell people these things because I was JUST saying how I feel pretty much all of the movement on the top right side of the bump and then I swear he does flips and then I was feeling him EVERYWHERE but the top right side.

Labor Signs?
 Nope.  Didn't even have any braxton hix contractions that I can remember this past week...

Belly Button: in or out?
 out and almost not  noticeable anymore... it is like gone... disappeared. Ciao ciao belly button.   

Wedding rings on or off?
  On (9am-5pm) and Off (all other hours of the day)

Overall Mood this week?
 Blah... nothing really all that exciting.  I will take this as a positive... I felt pretty good knowing the nursery is PRETTY much done... Just waiting for a couple more touches that I need to order...  But these things are nothing that would keep a baby from being able to sleep in there.  Appoligies for the awful quality... this iphone just does not cut it for me!  But here are some PICS... more to come soon!


Looking forward to?
 Door County of course... but this coming week on the 16th I start the Maternity Leave process with HR!!  Not that I am looking forward to it because it will be so exciting to deal with all that crap, but excited to #1 get the ball moving and #2 have everything taken care of so I can make sure all lose ends are tied before I kiss my work desk good-bye for a while!  As much as insurance stuff and Maternity Leave Rules and Regulations make me want to poke my eyeballs out, I am thankful that the benefits I do have allow me to take SOME PAID time off to spend with my little sweet Sal.  I have heard different from other pregnant women who have NO PAID leave and I just can't believe that places of work do not promote bonding time with the littles when they come into the world! (like every mom would say, Maternity leave is NEVER long enough...or like some people tell me - I will be ready to go back after six weeks, no doubt)  We will see what the verdict is.....    

Pit of the week?
  Work... is it sad that I have more fear of the bank conversion that is about to happen in my company than giving birth?!?!  Yes, this fear is all of a sudden, but with all the training we are jamming in and all the new paperwork we have to know (like a 100 page booklet that our customers will be getting) I just HOPE I can keep up because you have to be on your toes for customers that are not liking "change"!!  I wouldn't be surprised if the stress at work puts me in to labor!  (I like to tell my boss this so he eases up on me. hehe)  It's great to be needed at work.. I mean my boss already said I am only allowed a long weekend after Sal is born (joking, obviously) and I am flattered that they are also in fear of what to do while I am gone...  but really... this conversion is so stressful!    

Peak of the week?
 I have been realizing I have A LOT LESS pain in the rib department this past week!  I don't know what this can be attributed to, but the ONLY time I have had any pain this past week was when I was sleeping, and it came from my left rib (usually it is my right rib that flares up)... so really - this is a great PEAK because I have stopped taking Tylenol like it was candy this past week and I have NOT been interrupted by the pain at all!  It is so exciting to think I might be able to ride this pregnancy out with less pain than a couple weeks ago!  That is if this back pain will stay away!!  

Another great highlight was the Schemm's Cookout this past Saturday!  We hung out with a group of guys that Tyler went to college with who have AWESOME wives and cute little kiddos! (18 of us counting the babes).  We see each other often in the summers for weddings, but this might have been the first casual event that brought us all together!  It was awesome to hang out with the ladies - maybe I am biased - because most conversations were revolved around politics, babies, and dogs.  Right up my ally!  But then again, these must be the reasons we all have such a great time together!  These are families that I foresee many great years of friendships and I look forward to all our families growing and staying connected!  I cannot wait for Sal to meet all these amazing people in our lives.

Make it a great week everyone!
Much Love,