Tuesday, August 14, 2012

35 Weeks

 Wow do I look tired!!  Yuck!  Looking forward to enjoying putting make-up on and doing my hair sometime in the near future!  But for now, riding this pregnancy out just like it started.. no makeup and throwing my hair back without putting any effort into it.  And if you know me - that is just not my thing, but Sal is not a fan of getting pretty in the morning!  

Exercising?  Just walking.  Lately though, activities like shaving my legs feel like a strenuous workout! Everything seems to take more energy these days... even getting up out of the recliner!  I have been craving to get back on the hardcore workout train... I know I have no energy to do it now and I am sure once Sal is born the energy will be drained due to no sleep- but honestly... I just want to pop in an insanity DVD and mindlessly sweat for an hour!  I will probably not be able to keep up, but that's why I have Lindsay to push me through it!  Lindsay, hope your ready to get this lady back in shape!  I am going to find a 5k to run this spring or something... I need to feel good again!  Plus, soon enough I will have a great running partner: Baya!

Maternity clothes?
 ...  just what I already have  ....    

I am really really really looking forward to a night of sleep that I don't have to worry about what side I am laying on, not having to get up for a million bathroom breaks, and not having to completely wake up from using all my muscles just to MOVE/ROLL-OVER in bed when I am uncomfortable.  Pretty sure Tyler has stopped asking me what's wrong when I sigh or grunt loudly every time I am trying to move in bed!  Haha... that is hot, I know.        

Missing Anything?
 ummm... nothing really too much this past week... I am getting a little tired of the belly.  It is starting to feel kinda heavy and gets in the way a little (like shaving my legs!), so I am missing the "little" bump from the beginning.  I know it is only going to get bigger, so I am thinking next pregnancy I will remember to enjoy the days of the "little" bump because the bigger this gets the more I wish he was done growing already!  HAHA.   

Food cravings?
  Ya, this is probably why my belly is growing so fast!  I have been all about treats this week.  Chocolate, ice cream, and chocolate ice cream!  I made Tyler run out and get me a small chocolate malt one night from Culvers.  Really, I feel like I am eating for two all of a sudden.  I did not feel this way the whole pregnancy but now I feel hungry all the time.  I can tell you that I am loving all food and I have a bottomless pit for a stomach.  So far, I feel that I have done a good job at watching what I am eating and maintaining a healthy weight for me and baby... but this past week I might have been a little out of hand with the treats again.  Poor Sal is going to have sugar/chocolate withdrawal when he is born!

 No heartburn... just a little acid reflux here and there.  As for now, my throat is not on fire, so I will accept that my stomach is just as uncomfortable as I am because Sal is growing big, fast!  

Anything making you queasy or sick?

This Weeks Symptoms?
  My tummy has been SOOOOO DARN ITCHY!  I have been using BIO OIL since the day I found out I was pregnant and I have not seen a stretch mark yet, but this new itchy belly thing is DRIVING ME NUTS!  I am getting little red dots on my tummy from itching!  I sware that means I have dry skin or something, but I am trying to take care of it with lotion and it doesn't always work!!  AHHH!  I feel like I want to just take sand paper to it and rub rub rub!  Other than that, I feel like the swelling has begun.  I just feel slightly puffy - everywhere... I don't think it is super noticeable for other people, but I feel  it...   Oh and just when I say I am not feeling any pains that are making me wish this was all over (ie: back pain)...  BOOM, Sunday - I got back pain like you wouldn't believe!  KISS OF DEATH as Tyler was saying... apparently, I should stop bragging about how great I feel with one month to go!  Unfortunately, I had strong, very uncomfortable pain in my lower back ONLY on the right side.  Standing, sitting, laying... NOTHING relieved the pain.  Lets put this into context though... the minimized rib pain has spoiled me.  I kept asking myself, back pain or rib pain? - back pain or rib pain? - back pain or rib pain?  Concluding that I will take this damn back pain over the rib pain any day, but I am trying to be healthy and stay fit to keep these pains away!  WHY IS IT NOT WORKING??   Or is this a sign to slow down even more!?         

Any Movement?
  It feels like non-stop.... I am assuming because I get him all hyped up on sugar!  Haha.  Also, he must hear when I tell people these things because I was JUST saying how I feel pretty much all of the movement on the top right side of the bump and then I swear he does flips and then I was feeling him EVERYWHERE but the top right side.

Labor Signs?
 Nope.  Didn't even have any braxton hix contractions that I can remember this past week...

Belly Button: in or out?
 out and almost not  noticeable anymore... it is like gone... disappeared. Ciao ciao belly button.   

Wedding rings on or off?
  On (9am-5pm) and Off (all other hours of the day)

Overall Mood this week?
 Blah... nothing really all that exciting.  I will take this as a positive... I felt pretty good knowing the nursery is PRETTY much done... Just waiting for a couple more touches that I need to order...  But these things are nothing that would keep a baby from being able to sleep in there.  Appoligies for the awful quality... this iphone just does not cut it for me!  But here are some PICS... more to come soon!


Looking forward to?
 Door County of course... but this coming week on the 16th I start the Maternity Leave process with HR!!  Not that I am looking forward to it because it will be so exciting to deal with all that crap, but excited to #1 get the ball moving and #2 have everything taken care of so I can make sure all lose ends are tied before I kiss my work desk good-bye for a while!  As much as insurance stuff and Maternity Leave Rules and Regulations make me want to poke my eyeballs out, I am thankful that the benefits I do have allow me to take SOME PAID time off to spend with my little sweet Sal.  I have heard different from other pregnant women who have NO PAID leave and I just can't believe that places of work do not promote bonding time with the littles when they come into the world! (like every mom would say, Maternity leave is NEVER long enough...or like some people tell me - I will be ready to go back after six weeks, no doubt)  We will see what the verdict is.....    

Pit of the week?
  Work... is it sad that I have more fear of the bank conversion that is about to happen in my company than giving birth?!?!  Yes, this fear is all of a sudden, but with all the training we are jamming in and all the new paperwork we have to know (like a 100 page booklet that our customers will be getting) I just HOPE I can keep up because you have to be on your toes for customers that are not liking "change"!!  I wouldn't be surprised if the stress at work puts me in to labor!  (I like to tell my boss this so he eases up on me. hehe)  It's great to be needed at work.. I mean my boss already said I am only allowed a long weekend after Sal is born (joking, obviously) and I am flattered that they are also in fear of what to do while I am gone...  but really... this conversion is so stressful!    

Peak of the week?
 I have been realizing I have A LOT LESS pain in the rib department this past week!  I don't know what this can be attributed to, but the ONLY time I have had any pain this past week was when I was sleeping, and it came from my left rib (usually it is my right rib that flares up)... so really - this is a great PEAK because I have stopped taking Tylenol like it was candy this past week and I have NOT been interrupted by the pain at all!  It is so exciting to think I might be able to ride this pregnancy out with less pain than a couple weeks ago!  That is if this back pain will stay away!!  

Another great highlight was the Schemm's Cookout this past Saturday!  We hung out with a group of guys that Tyler went to college with who have AWESOME wives and cute little kiddos! (18 of us counting the babes).  We see each other often in the summers for weddings, but this might have been the first casual event that brought us all together!  It was awesome to hang out with the ladies - maybe I am biased - because most conversations were revolved around politics, babies, and dogs.  Right up my ally!  But then again, these must be the reasons we all have such a great time together!  These are families that I foresee many great years of friendships and I look forward to all our families growing and staying connected!  I cannot wait for Sal to meet all these amazing people in our lives.

Make it a great week everyone!
Much Love,

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