Monday, August 6, 2012

34 Weeks

Exercising?  Lots of walking still!  Baya is getting much better on the leash so that is exciting!  Unfortunately the fatigue is keeping me from doing much else even though I often think about doing some yoga or lifting some weights.  But for now, I am just too tired to do more than think  about it....

Maternity clothes?  no more, hopefully... Really attempting to not purchase any more!!  Gotta save my money for some post-pregnancy outfits!    

Sleeping?   Oh ya, hitting the bed hard and loving to TRY to sleep as much as possible right now!!  I am really having a hard time staying on my left side lately... I am waking up on my back all the time.  I just can't help it!  It is so much more comfortable and I feel like I actually get a BETTER sleep on my back!!  Also, got an idea from another pregnant friend about prenatal massages... which apparently they have this pillow that allows you to lay on your tummy!  NO WAY!!!  I NEED TO GET ME ONE OF THESE PILLOWS ASAP!!!  Haha  But maybe I can slip in a massage before Sept, too...           

Missing Anything?  Yes...I am missing having a normal  life after this past weekend...  A HUGE FAMILY EVENT WENT ON THIS PAST SATURDAY!  Tyler's cousin got married IN CALIFORNIA, and I was UNABLE to attend due to being pregnant.  It was THE WEDDING OF THE YEAR, and it was SO HARD to not be there... harder than I thought it would be.  Here is the deal - we told the doc about this wedding at the first doc apt back in February/March.  Her reply was, you can buy a plane ticket, but I cannot sign for you to get on that plane until we know how the pregnancy is at that  time.  Even then, who knows what and if any complications flying could bring up.  So ya, that being said, not knowing how I would be doing at this point in the pregnancy, it was just the "smartest" decision at that time to count me out of the vacation.  UNFORTUNATELY, with things going so well, I am almost sure she would have signed me to get on a plane, no problem... so it was so unbelievably hard to say good-bye to Tyler Thursday morning when the Foti's all headed out to Cali.  I was a mess Wednesday night and Thursday night, but this also makes me GREATLY appreciate all the amazing vacations I have gone on with them over the years, because NOT going felt like a sharp knife to the heart.  So yes.. I am MISSING having a normal life without any restrictions.  These sacrifices are already huge and the babe is not even here, yet... oh gosh, I hope I can do this "mother" thing, people!!  This is so hard!    

Food cravings?  Still, nothing to brag about...

Heartburn?  umm ... not heartburn, but I will say, the acid reflux is making it's way back slowly... not only do I feel a lot  of saliva in my mouth, but I always feel like there is a chance "stuff" is sitting in my throat.  Like when I burp, they are kinda nasty burps and stuff seems to come up a little (a little TMI, I know - but it's the TRUTH!).  I am assuming this is because my stomach is basically being pushed up into my throat... so ya, that's not always the most pleasant feeling in the world, but definitely manageable still...

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nope...

This Weeks Symptoms?  Fatigue and super emotional ... and for me, when I am tired, I get emotional so I am sure these two go hand in hand.  I am assuming now I will be tried and emotional for a looong time... considering a good nights sleep is probably years away from today.  Haha.  I am feeling like a DEBBIE DOWNER!  SORRY PEOPLE!  But hey, there are still some good the full size chest I still got going on here!  Crossing my fingers that these babies stick around for a long time.         

Any Movement?  So I treated myself to a McDonald's coffee on Thursday and Friday morning... I cannot believe how much it makes him GO-GO-GO!  Haha... he must have been doing jumping jacks in there because my belly was moving all over the place!!  At least I know if I ever get worried about lack of movement a McDonald's coffee will reassure me he is alive and well!

Labor Signs?  Nope.  Just pretty sure I am still feeling those weird braxton hix contractions ! !

Belly Button: in or out?  Out, stretching, and ITCHY!  MY WHOLE BELLY IS SO ITCHY, but especially around the belly button!  

Wedding rings on or off?  So ya, I don't think much of me is swelling quite yet, but my fingers are little indications that I am retaining some water here and there because there are times when my rings are pretty tight and I can hardly move them, but for the most part still following this regimen... on (9am-5pm) and Off (all other hours of the day)

Overall Mood this week?  I will be honest.  I did not want to be pregnant this past week.  I wouldn't say I have ever been angry with being pregnant yet, but I was down right angry about pregnancy interfering with my life.  I felt totally limited when I was trying to clean to get ready for the baby shower this weekend.  I felt a ton of pressure to have everything perfect, yet, I felt like I couldn't make it as perfect as I wanted to because I was unable to get things done how I would have been able to before I was pregnant.  (I know, such dumb complaints that I should just keep to myself probably...  Can I blame them on the fatigue and emotions that are taking over me!?)  AND last but not least, I was straight up pissed off that pregnant women "shouldn't" fly in their 3rd trimester which kept me from a GREAT freaking family vacation!!  Not that I want to have a baby on the plane, but really!?!?  Ugh!  Don't worry though, I am just sour about it and I do realize it is just the price I pay... and yes, the grass is always greener on the other side because there are women that would kill to be pregnant and wouldn't give a damn about not being able to get on a plane... so I will stop complaining, but that does not take away the fact that I was one angry pregnant lady this past week (sorry Tyler).  On the upside, our baby shower on Saturday was BIGGEST the thing keeping a smile on my face over the weekend.  It was a BLAST and I loved having family and friends around celebrating!    

Looking forward to?  Door County!  This is not until the weekend of the 18th, but I need a little vacation after this past week!  This will be my second time in Door County and I am very much looking forward to hanging out with Tyler's mom's side of the family who goes up there every year!  The last Door County trip that we took was just Tyler and me in Sept of 2011.  It was awesome!  I loved the cities, the shops, and the scenery.  SO very relaxing and calm.  We are even more excited because we got a place that allows dogs so Baya is coming, too!  She loves to be outside so we are pretty sure she will a have blast!  AND all her puppy shots will be done and we are going to see if she wants to swim a little!    

Pit of the week?  This is a no-brainer... Missing out on the wedding was a huge downer...  I think it is safe to say it is one of the biggest pits of this whole pregnancy.  I love spending time with the Foti's and knowing that I missed out on a ton of great memories with them makes me pretty darn sad.  

Peak of the week?  Well I have two peaks that both have to do with the BABY SHOWER #2!  Sooo, knowing that this weekend would be a hard one for me, not being able to attend the wedding and all, a couple of my mom's sisters threw a baby shower for me at our house!  

First of all, in preparing for the shower to be at our house we wanted to have the nursery set up AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE for everyone to see and despite my anger, fatigue and crazy emotions which kept me from doing anything functional and logical, I just want to note that my husband makes up for everything I lack and more.  I can't take much credit for anything past the white tree mural and letters hanging on the wall... Tyler did an awesome job setting up pretty much everything else!  He washed/dried/folded every single piece of clothing we have received thus far for Sal, unpacked things, put things together, put sheets on the crib, and organized the room to make it look like we might have a baby in there sometime soon!  We still have a couple finishing touches to make on the room, but if Salvatore decided to come tomorrow he has a legit room that his awesome dad prepared for him. (Pics to come soon!)

Secondly, hanging out with my kick ass family and friends was the ABSOLUTE BEST way to wipe away those pregnancy blues from not traveling!  Again, just when I cannot stand being pregnant, I realize how amazing it actually is and how lucky I am to be able to go through all of this!  Plus it's kinda hard to NOT have a good time when you hang out with all these ladies!

Make it a great week everyone!
Much Love,

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