Sunday, April 8, 2012

17 Weeks

Happy Easter Everyone!!  Christ has Risen, Indeed.  May your Easter be full of Joy and Praise! Enjoy the sunshine and  wonderful spring weather!  xo

Exercising?  Sadly, I have not done yoga in a little while now…  boo.  Really going to try to get one or two classes in next week!  And walking seems to be out of the question right now with the chilly breeze and BUSY schedules Tyler and I have had all week.  We did get a walk in on Friday after work.  And of course, I played volleyball this week!  Team "Beast Mode" Standing: 38-1!  I am really going to miss playing with my team after this season.  They are just awesome.

Maternity clothes?  There was ONE pair of work pants that I was still barley fitting into, and I think this past week was their last week…  I have one pair of maternity work pants so I think a trip to the maternity store was due this weekend so that I can wear more than one pair of pants during the week.  Saturday afternoon after work I went browsing with my Mum, and picked up another pair.  Also got my eye on a couple summer dresses for the MANY MANY MANY (seven to be exact) weddings that we have this summer!  Was lucky enough to find a classy dress from TJmaxx!  Whooo hooo... that was an awesome find.  Looking forward to showing that one off in May!

Sleeping?  Yes… about sleeping…. I am getting more aware of is my sleeping positions lately.  I was a tummy sleeper before I got pregnant.  I do miss that a lot, but after I stopped sleeping on my tummy I started sleeping on my back… now I am trying to get out of that bad habit!  I consciously start sleeping on my left side but always wake up on my back… I am sure this will be a little battle for a while, so we will see!  I am just generally uncomfortable when I am sleeping right now, and I am assuming that will progress in the next few months…. 

Missing Anything?  This week has been really easy.  I have NO complaints!  I even had my first non alcoholic beer!  Because I love the taste of beer I think the hardest part will be not having more than one or two in a sitting.  I went to dinner with couple girlfriends and had an O’Doul’s Amber and I was pleasantly surprised.  Now if this is because I have not had a beer since the first week of January, I don’t know, but I do know I could drink those pretty easily to suffice my thirst for a nice cold one.   

Food cravings?  Nada.  I was expecting some crazing cravings during pregnancy… I mean my usual monthly PMS craving are pickles and cheese (alternating bites of each)… so I was thinking I could experience a craving to brag about, but I have nothing for you.   

Acid Reflux?  I have been so happy that this acid reflux has been so manageable without my medication.  In fact this is probably the best I have felt in two years…. And I am going to try to NOT go back on the meds after the baby is born. But (yes, there is a “but” here) I am thinking heartburn has made an appearance in my life in the last week.  Acid reflux (aka GERD) has been an issue in my throat and esophagus MORE than my tummy… but lately after eating I have a different strong pain in the center on my chest (lower than where I would imagine my heart to be).  Sometimes it radiates into the center of my back… and I try to stretch it out and I stop eating and I do whatever I can to make it go away but only time helps… 

Anything making you queasy or sick?  No… still not interested in any slabs of meat though… but doing well!   

This Weeks Symptoms?  Less lower back pain than the prior two weeks, but still very present here and there...Also, the only thing I would note here is that I wish I didn’t feel like I was getting STABBED in my lower tummy every time I SNEEZE!  My allergies are in full force right now and I dread every sneeze I feel coming because of the little and sometimes big, sharp pains it brings!  I researched it and it is NORMAL, but it has to do with ligaments formed to hold the baby in my tummy right now.  Like rubber bands snapping every time there is a jerky movement (example: A SNEEZE).  I would really appreciate if these allergies would cut me some slack here… 
Gender?  APRIL 27TH  Ahhh!!  THREE MORE WEEKS!!!  We will find out if God has blessed us with a beautiful Sofia or handsome Salvatore (not yet sure on middle names)!  We are wondering how we are going to get through this month!  I cannot believe how much I think about it EVERYDAY... I am completely 50/50 on whether I care if it is a boy or girl.  50% of me looks at the relationship I have with my own mom and can't imagine not having a daughter to share that with but on the other hand, I KNOW a son would be the best way to pass the Foti family name on.  Plus I think Tyler would feel complete with a son.  Good thing we are SOO very busy and hopefully the time will FLY! 

Any Movement?  Small movement suspected- light flutters, like a little butterfly is in there.… but still nothing to start charting. 

Labor Signs? Nope. 

Belly Button: in or out? Ummm... I think in, but it is truly on its way out.   

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Overall Mood this week?  Amazing.  I knew this being pregnant thing would be hard for me.  I am a very independent person and feeling lack of freedom has been a little annoying and sad at some times, but it is not killing me.  I would not say that I LOVE being pregnant.  But I DON’T HATE IT.  I can manage.  And knowing that we get a precious little BABY in the end makes it all so worth it.   
Looking forward to?  Baby Foti is making a first Brewer game appearance Easter Sunday!  Now that Baby Foti CAN hear from in there, I hope that s/he gets use to sports announcers, because with being a Foti, you HAVE to tolerate sports.  Hehe. 

Pit of the week?  Ummm if I had to get picky, I guess I would say the painful sneezes!  Wish those were not an issue, but maybe it is part of building pain tolerance…. Haha.

Peak of the week?  BREWERS!!!  What is the NUMBER ONE sign of SPRING in Milwaukee!?  You better believe it: Brewer Opening Day!!  Whoo hooo…. even though I did not get to go on Friday, I am looking forward to many more brewer games this summer (minus the crazy tailgating- but thank God for O’Doul’s Amber)!

Make it a great week and HAPPY EASTER Everyone!!! 
Much Love, 

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