Monday, April 23, 2012

19 Weeks

Hello!  Wow.. can you believe 19 weeks already!?  Enjoying this time being a baby-free lady right now.  Had too much fun in Madison with some awesome people and missed my post on Sunday! Maybe I should make Mondays my new post day.....

Exercising?   Yes... could be doing more, but I feel lack of desire- which is not like me.  I do wish there were some hard workouts that I could feel comfortable doing to work up a sweat!  I need some GOOD summer weather to start walking EVERY day!  Had a great volleyball game on Thursday and I was feeling pretty wiped out after.  Was pretty sore and my back was bothering me most of Friday....  It felt great to sweat though!  One more volleyball game left for me.  Wish me luck.  Hoping to go out on a good note!  I will truly MISS my teammates for a while; this is by far the BEST team I have played with since I have been playing sand volleyball at the age of 16 and on top of it, these people are just GREAT friends for LIFE.

Maternity clothes?   Looking forward to wearing one of my dresses to the first wedding of the summer!  Less than a month now...  More pics will be added to the blog as the events of the summer kick off.  I know pictures are way more fun than all this mumble jumble.  The camera is coming out!!  Need to practice having that on hand anyway.

Sleeping?  Was not getting good sleep this past week at all.  I think the BUSY schedules and staying up way too late was very naughty on my part.  This coming week I am going to focus on good night sleeps... I better take advantage of that while I can!!  I will probably look back as ask myself why I did not sleep when I could.... I am already looking back wondering why  I was not going to bed at a more appropriate time!  

Missing Anything?   Well, with my trip to Madison, there were some things missed.... Sushi, Oysters, Martinis(with blue cheese stuffed olives), and Wine to mention a few..... these are four things I am so looking forward to getting my hands on after September.  These are staples of my love for Madison, not to mention the many LOCAL brewed beers that I always enjoy taste testing!  These things might might have been missed, but the visit was well worth the lack of these things!  Had a FANTASTIC time visiting my girlfriends!

Food cravings?  Ummm... nope.... what do these cravings feel like people!?  Ahh!  Haha.  Where are mine?  Does a martini count?

Acid Reflux?  Heartburn, heartburn, heartburn and oh my, more heartburn.... I remember in the first 12 weeks I was so tired and physically exhausted that I started living life not remembering what it was like to actually have energy.  Now I feel like I will be living life for a while not remembering what it felt like to NOT have heartburn!  Haha... the ONLY up side: it does help me to NOT over eat.... so I am somewhat thankful for these burning pains that make me curse big meals. But my gosh- I feel like someone jammed a pole in my chest and it is coming out my back.... unreal, the pain.  

Anything making you queasy or sick?   No...  I actually feel hungry, which I have not really felt, and I feel like I am able to eat a winder variety of food lately.  No oatmeal yet, though.

This Weeks Symptoms?  The lower back pain has stayed somewhat minimal (one or two days a week), thank God. But hey, get this.... I know lots of people say that pregnancy is so great for your hair.  And I usually have pretty healthy hair, so I was expecting these beautiful locks out of a shampoo commercial, but my hair has been so annoying and probably the biggest struggle in the morning!  I have never had a problem with getting volume in my hair- I  have it now.  I have never had dandruff before- I have it now.  I have never had an issue with greasy hair- I have it now.  I have never had an issue with product buildup in my hair- I have it now.  I mean seriously, I can't even wear my hair down without wondering if someone thinks it looks DIRTY.  But on the up side, my skin is absolutely wonderful- probably the best it has ever been in like 10 years!  SO I am just saying, if my choices were greasy hair or pimples, God knows me well because I will take greasy hair over pimples any day !  

Gender?  Last time I will type here -  "I don't know"... at least I hope so...  It is so funny that I use to be ADAMANT about not knowing the gender until the birth, and I still think that is a GREAT way to experience the birth of your child and I hope to go that route on day with one of my kids(although Tyler is still not in agreement with this but after the labor and birth of this one I think he will know who is boss)...... So, with the hype of this baby and the talk of whether is will be a girl or boy has totally peer pressured me into freakishly, agonizing wonder of what this child's gender is!  I have now heard stories, crushing my excitement, that stubborn babies will show you who is boss when it comes time to peep on their little parts.  Baby Foti will be in the dog house with me from the start if there is not cooperation on the 27th. (joking) BUT this crazy mama is dying to know!!

Any Movement?   Some bumps and here and there.... not as much as I was expecting after last Sunday....

Labor Signs?  nope

Belly Button: in or out?  As I have said before... more out than in.  haha.  If it didn't look so funny I would be able to say this with a straight face, but it just seems so goofy to have this little button sticking out of the belly...  

Wedding rings on or off?   on

Overall Mood this week?    Anxiety to the MAX!   ONE week shy of half way.  ONE week away from knowing whether I should be stocking up on bows and tutus or baseball caps and sports gear.  And, on top of that, 21(ish) weeks away from having a little human relying on me and Ty for every vital and not so vital need in life,  The UNKNOWN of parenthood is scary.  Does this anxiety go away with the second kid (when the unknown is more known)?  I think it is always the UNKNOWN that is the root of anxiety....  but it is just awesome and scary all at the same time when you hear stories about everything from pregnancy, to labor and delivery, to 4 months after the baby is born, and you just want to do everything in your power to make it all go smoothly and most of all you want it to be ENJOYABLE!  I have anxiety that I might not "enjoy" something along the way... But I am sure every parent has that time.  It leads to the phrase you say to your teenager "I am not mad, but I am disappointed in you"... I don't think those times are "enjoyable" for parents.   Haha... yes. Anxiety brings crazy racing thoughts to my head and I guess I am already thinking about Baby Foti being a teenager.  But I am sure EVERY parent deals with this anxiety in some form.  Or, maybe I am just extra crazy,

Looking forward to?  Take a guess... Ya, I am head over heels about knowing this baby's gender.  I think the most exciting part is that I don't care either way, but I just want to put a name to this bump and start picturing us with a daughter or a son!  Seriously, I will be running into that ultra sound room, jumping on the table and letting that nurse know to slap some lube on this belly and lets find out what we are having!!  I am crazy.  I understand this.

Pit of the week?  Ummm if I had to get picky here... I was really dying for a martini this weekend with the girls.  But honestly, it did not ruin the time with them, so no big deal!  

Peak of the week?  Got my "baby needs/wants" list down (take a peak below) and I am soooo ready to FINALIZE THE BABY REGISTRY!  :)   The locations of registry will be released after the gender is determined (have to add those last couple things that might be pink or blue!).  We are trying to let EVERYONE know at the same time.  We have been diligently working on this, getting tons of great advice and recommendations!  So, thank you everyone that has peeped in!  Tyler and I are blessed to be from HUGE families.  This was a result of 3 bridal showers and luckily, Baby Foti will get to feel the love as well with 3 baby showers!   I would have to say though, this registry felt more like business than fun... I did not want to screw this up!  Anything that you think I might have missed, holler at me asap... Baby Foti and I do not take offence(we are new at this).

Make it a great week everyone and very much looking forward to sharing the BIG NEWS on the next post!    
Sofia or Salvatore!?!?

Much Love,


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