: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : E.T.A. September 16th, 2012 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Monday, May 28, 2012
24 Weeks
Happy Memorial Day! First, I want to start by thanking our troops and honor the fallen that have given their life to fight for our freedom. Thank you to all of them and their families for all sacrifices they make to serve our country!
Second of all, hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I know I look like I just got ran over by a truck, but seriously... we. have. been. non. stop. It is dinner time on Monday night and I cannot figure out where the weekend went! Saturday morning I worked at the bank. Saturday afternoon my mom came over and we dominated cleaning and organizing the main floor of the house. It felt sooo good to clean every nook and cranny. Sunday morning we finished up some odds and ends and then went to a couple grill out parties. Sunday night my wonderful husband more than dominated the nursery! I was so exhausted and in a little pain, so I directed and relaxed on the carpet while he worked his butt off! He got all the lines drawn for stripes that I want to paint! Monday we spent the morning on the boat (hence: I look like I have been run over by a truck) and then ran a ton of errands all afternoon and now we are in the process of FINISHING the taping for the nursery room in hopes to PAINT the stripes on WEDNESDAY afternoon! Crazy BUSY weekend! And so sad it is over already!
Here are some pics, mind you, the room is VERY yellow... more YELLOW than we anticipated... BUT we bought a honey yellow to fill the large stripes (15 inches wide). The stripes with the blue tape in them are NOT getting paint.
And in case you forgot, here are some pictures that have been inspiration to me:
Exercising? Barely... rough week for excising. Way too may odds and ends around the house this week and experiencing a lot of pain(more to come on that).... We had the painters at our place this week and we were very busy, well, Tyler was very busy moving furniture. I directed. I think I was called "ridiculous" and "too picky" a couple times over the week.... BUT I do recall reminding Tyler PLENTY of times that IF we get pregnant (like he wanted!) BEFORE we are settled into a house, he will be dealing with a crazy pregnant lady with high demands when we are moving/organizing the house, because if I can't do it I will find a way for SOMEONE to do it for me! Haha. So, not too much physical exercising... just exercising my mouth and pregnant rights over my husband! Hehe.... But all this running around and non-stop moving has got to account for something!
Maternity clothes? Now that I LOOK pregnant it is a whole new ball game!! It is a little more fun to dress in the morning knowing that when people see me they will most likely KNOW that I am pregnant, not just drinking too many beers. This will be a better stage for clothes and I look forward to making another trip to the store soon with my lady friend Danielle to look at more cute tops for the HOT weather on the way!
Sleeping? Oh ya... not a problem for sleep this week....we were SO busy and again, once I my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light! Just a SORE left hip and ear and I cannot figure out how to FIX those little annoying pains!
Missing Anything? Ummmm not that I am one to run around in my swim suit everyday but I do love to lay in the sun and soak up the rays. I have not been to a tanning booth in FOREVER (this is a good thing, I understand) but laying out on the boat this past weekend made me wish I was comfortable with putting on a swim suit and tanning these white limbs. A tank top and some shorts did the job.... but I am missing that summer tan glow! This is the first time in YEARS that Tyler is looking mighty tan and I am white as snow. He reminds me often that he is use to me being the tan one! I was dying for the tanning bed this weekend!
Food cravings? I think I might give up on this soon... or maybe I am missing the mark. I am not getting any of these SUDDEN urges to eat something crazy... like I pictured a craving as having to run out of the house to the store to get something to quench my dying need of something specific to eat!... but nothing. Just loving my fresh fruit and pickles which we always have had on hand.
Heartburn? Soooo... heartburn is most likely NOT the pain I have been experiencing all along ... I questioned this pain as I felt it getting stronger and more persistent as the weeks went on. On Monday morning I woke up at 6am with intense pain under my right boob into my back. I thought, I have not even eaten anything, how can I be getting heartburn this early!? And it did not let up. By 10:30am I called the doc and asked the nurse if this is something I should be concerned about because I have had this pain for a while now (thinking it was heartburn all these weeks) but it is getting stronger and more persistent, sometimes even taking my breath away. I heard the nurse talk to the doctor and in the background I heard the doctor say "maybe the gallbladder, but tell her we will talk on Thursday at her scheduled appointment BUT call us before then if she is having blurry vision or vomiting." Sooooo I waited till Thursday, and it was a LONG wait considering I heard "gallbladder" in the background so my mind was racing and the pain was not letting up! Thursday came and I was very much looking forward to talking with the doctor. We talked about the pain and tenderness, did a blood draw, and determined it was nothing serious at all. (Thank God! Because this pain just feels all sorts of wrong and I was worried about the babes!) In fact, she said I am VERY healthy and things are going great! BUT... this is a pain that I will have to deal with from here on out and might possibly get worse... she is really thinking that my small frame and growing uterus is pushing everything up quite far, irritating my RIBS! Basically my rib (especially on the right side) is most likely inflamed and angry about the lack of space....which it will see less of over the months. So yay for NO HEARTBURN or gallbladder issues... and honesty, SUPER BIG YAY for Tylenol because I think that will be the drug that helps these angry ribs! Feeling relief already with my Tylenol regimen!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really... just making sure to continue with my big breakfasts. It seems a bad/small breakfast can throw the WHOLE day off for the tummy!
This Weeks Symptoms? You know... No crazy emotions have overpowered me, I have not had any unusual back pain lately, I am not experiencing anything that I cannot manage at this point.... thank goodness for Tylenol for my upset rib, but really... this is NOT SO BAD.... I could do this again a couple more times.... I am growing by the DAY, so I can imagine things start getting more difficult very soon!
Any Movement? Soooo you hear the stories from the moms about the baby moving and you really don't know till it happens, but it is AWESOME. Thursday night we were laying in bed watching TV and I felt some STRONG movements. I lifted up my shirt a little to see my belly and no shit.... Tyler and I watched my belly move as Sal was punching and kicking from the inside!! It was so awesome! Tyler put his hand on my belly and I think Sal gave him a couple high fives! He is so active in there, even the doctor has commented on his heavy movement while trying to monitor the heartbeat at the check ups! I have a feeling Tyler and I will not be able to keep up with this kid.
Labor Signs? nope
Belly Button: in or out? Out for sure!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Overall Mood this week? Defeated. I thought for sure something was not right with the amount of pain I was feeling... it just angered me that I have been trying to make this a healthy pregnancy and IF it was the gallbladder I was just PISSED considering I eat SO healthy. It is rare, maybe once a week, that I eat something that is fried or unhealthy. I was just questioning everything and wondering how I was going to last till the middle of September with pain like this... I was frustrated that I could not HELP Tyler with the moving of furniture and instead I just directed, which I think got under his skin a little. I was frustrated that I did not make it to yoga because I was in pain and the thought of deep breathing made me wince. Ya, it was a pretty frustrating week, but it ended well and that is the great part about it. A little pain medication, some relaxation with family, and lots of sun makes it all worth it. Looking forward to putting this week behind and making next week much more bearable!
Looking forward to? Nursery Time for Sal! I am going to attempt filling my free time this week with PAINTING! First come the stripes and when they are dry, the silhouettes! Whoo whooo! If I were to guess about when Tyler and I can actually SIT BACK and ENJOY the place I would say we are about three weeks out! I am really thinking by the last week in June, Tyler and I will be ready to CHILL out and enjoy the home and summer before our bundle arrives! So I am very much looking forward to that!
Pit of the week? The waiting time from Monday to Thursday to find out about this darn pain! I have NO patience. I am sure Sal will teach me.... he is already teaching me...
Peak of the week? Oh so many things! The amazing weather! The "long" weekend! The great progress we made on the house this weekend! My mom making heath bar cake when she stayed over Saturday night! Oh ya, and I had a great strong cup of coffee with my heath bar cake Sunday morning as a little treat, which was awesome and totally hit the spot!
Make it a great (short) week everyone!
Much Love,
Sunday, May 20, 2012
23 Weeks
What's in a name? Why do some names tug heart stings more than others? How do people really come down to saying- yup that's the name, no ifs, ands, or butts about it!
For me, having that responsibility to pick a name out for my child came easy this time around... I basically got off the hook. Although I had my ideas on fabulous names, they will go back into the vault for baby #2, because now that we know we are having a boy... Salvatore is the chosen name. Is it a name I would have picked out of my back pocket? No, not at all. In fact, long before we were even pregnant Tyler said he wanted his first son to be named Salvatore, after his Great Grandpa Salvatore. I seriously thought he was joking. He had to be... Salvatore? Really? My thoughts as an art major go straight to the very messed up life of the famous "melting clocks" artist, Salvatore Dali. (which I knew from when I was young because we lived with my Aunt Julie who had one of his prints in her house) So, I went home to my mom and said, "Mom, you won't believe what Tyler wants to name our first son!? SALVATORE!" She smiles and says, "I LOVE THAT NAME! Awwww, Sweet Sal." Damn, I thought... he wins. (Why is it that my mom and Tyler have the same train of thought? I always lose when I consult...) So here is the break down.....
Gender: Boy
Origin: Italian
Meaning: Saviour, rescuer
Pronunciation: (sal VAH tor ay) although it seems most people (even Tyler and I) do not pronounce the "ay" on a regular basis, but it sounds awesome when you do in an Italian accent.
So after looking into this it really made me think. Great Grandpa Salvatore Foti was a Saviour and rescuer. He brought the Foti family from a small town in Sicily named Milazzo (which we hope to visit next year if we are able to follow through with our Italy trip). He brought his family over like many foreigners do, on a boat, to make a good life for them here in America. I am sure he looks down on all the Fotis everyday with a huge grin of satisfaction. If it weren't for Great Grandpa Salvatore and his long journey with his family, there would be no Tyler Foti in my life. So what better way can I honor this man than by naming our first son in hopes that he lives with the motivation and determination for hard work and a great life just like all the Fotis have done for themselves following the brave leader, Great Grandpa Salvatore.
It makes me realize that when you truly have a name in the books (no ifs, ands, or butts about it) and you find a deep meaning that tugs at your heart stings, no one can poke holes in it. Of course, many people have their opinions and will openly share with you.... "Oh he will be changing that name as soon as he is 18." or "Is he going to carry a gun? (Mafia assumptions)" And so, I get it, it is NOT a popular name and, yes, we do live in America... so why such an ethnic name, "Salvatore"? And not that I ever have to give a reason to anyone else for naming my son that, but I am sure he will ask one day... and I will say "Because Salvatore Foti of Milazzo Italy made this life possible for your father and we are thankful of his hard work, the traditions past down, and dedication to family, as we would want you to be as you grow up and make a life for yourself."
On another note, this does give me the upper hand for the next baby's name, right? hehe
Exercising? Oh ya, back to feeling the burn! Had a great start this week to my prenatal yoga/strength training routine. It is always hard to do these things at home when you know you should, but being in a room full of pregnant women are looking phenomenal sure does motivate me to NOT GIVE UP on working out even though the drive is so not there right now! I just feel a little jiggly and gushy all over... and usually that gets me out the door for a a walk and some push-ups, but with all our busy-ness, I can't seem to fill my free time with more activity... I prefer some fresh fruit (Thank God that's not chips and candy) and the couch. Hehe.
Maternity clothes? We got all moved into our walk in closet and it was awesome to step in and see everything hanging there nicely for me to pick out what might be comfortable for today! Makes getting ready in the morning a little less painful! I was feeling fabulous in my non-maternity sundress that I wore at the wedding this past weekend. I truly felt "pretty" and even fashionable!
Sleeping? Oh, I hit the mattress hard this week. It had to be from all the moving and shaking we were doing on the house. I can foresee some better sleeping in the next couple weeks due to the high volume of activity... I can't even break in my new couch yet! THERE IS SO MUCH TO BE DONE! This week we have the painters... and next week we are starting "operation: clean out Salvatore's room" so that we can get a good start decorating! I am guessing it will take some work considering I have perpendicular stripes to paint on the wall after the painters do the base... and the silhouettes of the tree and.... the Winnie the Pooh characters! Oh boy... sleeping will probably be heaven during these BUSY weeks!
Missing Anything? You would think after being at the wedding this weekend I would say DRINKING... but I think I missed being on the dance floor MORE than drinking! Watching everyone dance was kinda hard. I wanted to be out there and I was slightly tempted to just go out there and dance, but I could not bring myself to do it. Just did not feel in the mood to shake my thang... plus the heartburn(?) was enough to make me scream! It hurt no matter what position I sat in, but standing gave me some relief.
Food cravings? NADA!
Heartburn? I say heartburn(?) because I am starting to really question what this pain is! Someone suggested it was my diaphragm being squished because I was was feeling it in my back and standing gave me some relief. I don't know what this pain is, but I am looking forward to seeing my doctor this week to talk about it. I know there might not be a cure or way to completely get rid of it, but I would say just knowing what it could be and making sure that it is a "safe" pain will make me feel better...
Anything making you queasy or sick? Had a ROUGH Saturday morning! I swear... it comes out of no where... I woke up with a major tummy ache and I thought eating breakfast would be a help... NOPE...so i went back to bed. I wanted to give myself a lot of time to get ready for the wedding because I knew I would take breaks after everything! Shower, break, dry my hair, break, makeup, break... haha... but with lots of water and some snack bars I was feeling the energy back and we made it to the wedding with no problem.
This Weeks Symptoms? Nothing TOO crazy! Just tummy ache on Saturday which I am attributing to morning sickness and this crazy pain right under mt heart and into my back! So far, I think i have little to complain about!
Any Movement? Of course! AND Tyler got to feel a little punch/kick TOO! It took a little patience, but he felt it! Here is the sweetest and weirdest thing...Sometimes I will be watching TV or doing something in a room by myself and Tyler will walk in and start talking and Sal starts moving all over in response to Tyler's voice. I think Tyler might already have the "favorite parent" title locked in and Sal is not even here yet!!! hehe. So I will continue to monitor this but this has happened on several occasions... I wonder if Sal is as excited to meet us as we are to meet him?
Labor Signs? nope
Belly Button: in or out? So I think it is safe to say, that little bugger is out!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Overall Mood this week? Very Overwhelmed. Wednesday night, before our last birth and newborn care class, we were eating dinner and Tyler said, "I wish it were September 16th right now" I about shit my pants... "I don't! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE HAVE TO DO!? And I am not ready for labor yet either.... but really? You know how much work is a head of us in these next months!?" On the upside, it is so awesome, and almost calming, to soak in his excitement because if I think about the logistics too much I think my brain will explode with to-do lists and fears! But if I cave into his mentality of having a little babe around to cuddle and awe over, I feel the excitement with him!
Looking forward to? This is a "down the road" looking forward to... but I am looking forward to my house being completely organized and cleaned from top to bottom so that I can sit on the back porch in the sun with a virgin cocktail and a book. I would like to enjoy a little of this peace and quiet that I might have left....
Pit of the week? Typically I am a person who LOVES to be busy, busy, busy. I fill my schedule, often double booking myself, because I can't sit still. I wish I could say that being pregnant hasn't changed that, but I think it has! I think I yearn for those nights when I have nothing planned and I can eat dinner and sit on the couch and watch mindless television. I think this might be out of fear I will not be able to do that for a LONG time... maybe I subconsciously think I should get all that laziness in right now while I can because come September it will be NON-STOP all over again. Then again maybe this is a good stage... I relate it to when you have the flu and you are home sick for a week, immobile, but by the time that flu is gone you want to jump up and run laps because you are so sick of being tied to the couch for so long! Maybe this is my "flu" stage and come September I will have all motivation back that I use to have! Haha...
Peak of the week? Well, We have a HOME! Tyler's dad is about 98% moved out! There are still little odds and ends here and there that he will collect over the summer, but now it is up to Ty and me to make it "ours"... We are looking forward to getting it all together and presentable in hopes to have our first party in JUNE! It is awesome to feel the rewards of cleaning and organizing, knowing that this is OUR home, and we want to make it perfect for our family.
Summer is SOOO in the air!
Loving this sunshine and beautiful weather!
Make it a great week everyone!
Much Love,
Sunday, May 13, 2012
22 Weeks
Happy Mother's day to all the extraordinary women out there who have taken on the privilege and difficult job to care for another life besides their own! Cheers to you for making sacrifice after sacrifice for your kids! It is an honor to be joining you in this crazy emotional journey come September. You all are amazing women and I look forward to learning so much from all you beautiful ladies . There are laundry lists of fun, creative, wonderful, and not so glamorous things you do from day to day to ultimately make sure your family is happy and healthy which is completely commendable! It is a 24/7 JOB! Being a mom has always been a HUGE deal to me... that might be why I knew I was not ready for the longest time...I saw my mom do it, and I knew I could not put myself to the wayside and put a child first in my life. The responsibility is absolutely overwhelming if I think about it too much!! I was selfish, but I was enjoying my youth and alone time with my TyTy. Now after 8 years of alone time with him I am ready to share! In fact, I am excited to share him! I am thrilled to do something bigger and better with my life! And I can't think of anything bigger and better to do with my life than becoming a mommy. Congrats to all of you and your accomplishments as a mom and keep up the good work. Life is a roller coaster, so just ENJOY the ride!
On this note, I want to especially honor my mom (a.k.a. The Saint) on this day. Her journey with motherhood has it's ups and downs just like many of you have had or will have. By the time I was four years old and she had just had my brother, her life took a BIG turn. My dad was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Not only did she have to fully support two young kids, she was emotionally and later physically supporting her sick husband as well. She never batted an eye, never complained to us, but always made sure my bother and I got to our friend's birthday parties, made sure we were always involved in sports/extra curricular activities, bought us nice clothes and shoes, financially sacrificed for us to attend private school, pushed us to do well in school and on top of that made sure my dads health care was in tip-top shape including a purchase of a huge safari handicapped accessible van to get him here and there and taking a chunk of money out of her 401K to remodel the bathroom for better accessibility for him. She had a HUGE calendar that took up the whole side of the fridge and highlighted each of our activities with a different color highlighter. It was like a freaking rainbow puked on our fridge! She was ALWAYS ON THE RUN... ALWAYS making sure her family was taken care of, often forgetting to do something special for herself.
By the time my brother and I were older, my fathers health was getting worse. Although she had the joy of seeing my brother and I grow up and become independent, she was still the care giver for my father, right down to cutting his food up for him to eat and sometimes having to feed him if he was too tired to hold his fork. As a mother it was probably great to see the up hill climb with her kids but heartbreaking to see the decline in her husband's health. As a wife she always did what was right for her husband, and even more as a mother, she made the ultimate sacrifices to make sure that her and her husband's children grew up in a safe and "normal" home life despite the extreme abnormalities we all faced as a family with a disability.
It never really hit me till I was in high school and my friends would always hang out at our house witnessing the many struggles my mom dealt with. For example, calling/planning EVERYWHERE we went to make sure it was handicapped accessible... (school gyms for sports, restaurants, homes) That is when she earned her title as "The Saint" ... Ya, the title came from a whole bunch of high schoolers. If young adolescent, foolish high-school boys and girls can recognize that my mother was extraordinary, then I knew she had to be something pretty amazing. And from there our relationship has grown since. She is not only my mom but my best friend and I don't know what I would do with out her in my life. So today I want to thank her for all her hard work and endless sacrifices over the last 26 years because there is NO WAY I can repay her. All I can say is if I can do half as good of a job as she did, I see a couple "World's Best Mom" coffee mugs in my future.
Exercising? You betcha baby! Walking! And back to Yoga starting this coming week!! I am doing prenatal yoga at Destination Maternity in Brookfield with my girlfriend Danielle!
Maternity clothes? I am getting a little tired of wearing the same stuff over and over, but next week we move into the master bedroom and most importantly(hehe) we get to organize the big walk in closet. I am sure it will help to switch things up again, considering Tyler and I are living in a small room and we have enough clothes between the both of us to fill 2 regular closets, 2 huge dressers, a long hanging rack (which takes up a lot of room), and a couple of piles of sweatshirts. The room is just full of clothes - it looks like a walk in closet! So as you can imagine, it makes it hard to navigate through and I can never figure out what to wear over this belly!
Sleeping? I had some pretty rough nights of sleep... I usually feel like I wake up every time I move in the bed now. It just makes me crabby in the morning when my alarm goes off and I felt like I was up 10 times in the night.... but hey, I guess that's what we signed up for like the next 18 years...
Missing Anything? This week, maybe because of the poor sleep, I was really thinking about a strong cup of joe. I was dreaming of those days when I would drink coffee allll day looong. I mean I don't need to go back to that, but I am looking forward to brewing my coffee when I wake up and enjoying that nice strong flavor to start my day. Not to mention the great energy boost! I am choosing to not drink coffee right now because I am not willing to go back to the acid reflux issues I had in the past. I do not want it to come down to taking medications while I am pregnant. I will enjoy a couple cups of decaf here and there, but it is just not the same. Once I have the baby I do plan on allowing myself that one or two cups (with caffeine) in the early morning to start my day. I know... I hear mixed reviews on the caffeine intake and breast-feeding, but any early cups of coffee should not be affecting the baby's sleep at 9 o'clock at night, if you ask me....
Food cravings? Nothing this week.... I have not even touched a fruit snack since last weeks outburst.
Acid Reflux? HEARTBURN! Soooo annoying... and sooo unbelievably uncomfortable! It is amazing the difference in pain from acid reflux and heartburn. I am so thankful still to this day I have not had one trace of reflux issues, but damn this heartburn. Sometimes I feel like it fills the whole cavity under my ribs with burning sensations and I just want to rip my rips apart and give my tummy room to do its thing!
Anything making you queasy or sick? NOT REALLY... just trying to avoid brushing my teeth before breakfast now... it just seems that every once in a while I wake up feeling "morning sickness" again. Not sure how to avoid that, but on the mornings I wake up feeling good, I am very thankful!
This Weeks Symptoms? Nothing overbearing... I guess sensitivity would be a big one this week. I had a pimple on my face, for the first time since I have been pregnant, and it was painful...More painful than I remember a pimple being! My skin seems sensitive to the touch especially my chest area... which if you don't mind me ranting about this for a second I would like to tell you a little something. I feel FAR from goddess and glowing during this pregnancy, in fact I would classify myself as frumpy and exhausted looking. But I am FULLY enjoying the fact that I have a RACK! I have never felt so excited about putting on my bra in the morning! I have always been petite and small with an athletic built. I know women sometimes curse their growing chest during pregnancy, but despite the sensitivity I am welcoming it and enjoying the feeling of actually looking like a woman! Now if they could only stay like that forever.......
Any Movement? Oh ya! Sal makes it clear when he is awake! Sometimes I feel these ripples, and I have no clue what they really are, but I picture this little baby playing in this pool of liquid and the liquid just banging up against the sides of my tummy like ocean tides. And then there is the occasional kick or punch right to the wall letting me know he is doing his exercises and getting his muscles and reflexes working. It was a little sad because Tyler has not yet been able to feel him move by putting his hand on my tummy, but Thursday morning when he left at 4:30 am to catch his plane to Rhode Island I was woken up and pretty much stayed up... so I went to the bathroom and I also noticed that someone else was up too! Yup, Salvatore was moving around in there... in fact shortly after I heard the door shut and Tyler was out of the house Sal was really moving so I put my hand on the outside of my tummy.... I was pretty positive that I not only felt the movement from the inside but also from the outside! I am very much looking forward to Tyler's return so we can make this happen again soon!
Labor Signs? nope
Belly Button: in or out? more out(ish) .. haha... i don't know what to expect from here!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Overall Mood this week? I was in go-go-go mode this week. We were very busy and we are still packing/unpacking... I feel like I have so much energy compared to any other time since I have been pregnant. I mean, I get tired, but when I have the energy it is just bigger and stronger bursts than in the past several months!
Looking forward to? May 19th - my first wedding as a pregnant lady and I am still trying to figure out how I am going to dress this growing bump! Kinda frustrating... but I have some ideas up my sleeve! AND also looking forward to May 21st. Painters will be ramping up the house with our own touch-- a little bit of paint goes a long way... PLUS once the base is down in Sal's room, I get to get my creativity on!! So looking forward to getting my hands on that room! Hehe.
Pit of the week? Tyler was traveling for work in Rhode Island from Thursday to Sunday. Work is doing well for him and I am so thankful for that. I would never take that away from him, but I just get sad when I don't get to come home and cuddle with him. He makes me so unbelievably proud though and that always outweighs my sadness while he is away. I am so lucky to be his wife and soon-to-be mother to his baby boy.
Peak of the week? I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS LAST TIME!! We are all done registering for baby Salvatore! What a relief! We are registered at Amazon.com and Babies R Us. The nice thing about Amazon is the discounts and some items are eligible for super saver shipping meaning over $25 purchase can get free shipping! If you want to check it out go to Amazon.com and on the right side by the cart icon there is an area for a "wish list" and when you hover over that with the mouse, a drop down happens that includes the baby registry option. The only bummer with Babies R Us is that sometimes the prices online are cheaper than the in store prices and they do not honor the online prices in the store. For instance a baby monitor might be $20 more expensive in the store than online. (you can tell Daddy got to hold the scanner and enjoyed the many toy options for Sweet Sal) As always, this is our first time with this whole baby thing, so we accept any advice or ideas if you have anything in mind!
Make it a great week everyone and all you Mothers out there, hope you ENJOYED your beautiful day even though I think everyday should be Mother's Day!!
Much Love,
Monday, May 7, 2012
21 Weeks
Exercising? Just a little walking....but missing volleyball already! :( How do women keep up with a workout routine when they are pregnant!? I am serious... I would like answers here! I am so curious to know... this is so much harder than I had expected! I even tell myself at night to just do a couple push ups and a couple squats... but the energy and motivation are not there enough to make me actually DO THEM by the time I am home.... Relaxing is the only thing on my mind! Ugh.... I need a coach or personal trainer to kick my butt into gear! I am sure all this work we are doing around the house helps with keeping me active. Moving/Packing/Unpacking is a HUGE chore, and the cleaning and organizing that comes with is a BEAST!!
Maternity clothes? Yes... hopefully we can see some sunshine and better weather so I can bust out summer dresses! It will be great ways to feel "cute" and dress up this bump. Still missing my fashionista self, but making it through.
Sleeping? Still not really liking this whole "sleeping on the left side" thing, but I am doing it.... and I am serious about this left ear thing. Can ears fall asleep? I sware, it hurts to touch it when I get up sometimes! You know that feeling when your hair has been in a tight ponytail all day and you come home and let it down and the hair actually hurts because it was tied up all day? I wonder if this is my ear's problem.... it gets smushed into my pillow all night and by the time I get up I have to practically peal it away from my head. I wouldn't be surprised if my right hear stuck out more than my left ear right now. But hey, it's all for the bay-bay, little Sal...
Missing Anything? Actually... no.... even being around lots drinking this weekend for Lindsay's birthday/Kentucky Derby/Cinco De Mayo, I am feeling pretty good about NOT drinking. I might think I miss it for the initial minutes that people are sipping these tasty looking beverages in front of me, but really, I am loving the clear mind and for sure not missing the hangovers! In the past several weeks I have grown to love my sober personality just as much as my "couple drinks later" personality. I have learned a lot about myself and that I CAN BE FUN without being the little drinking fish that I use to be!
Food cravings? I think I might have had some cravings this week! Usually when I go for candy I am a choco-holic... but with this pregnancy, I don't really go straight for the chocolate... I got for the fruity candy like jelly beans, starbursts, gummies, sour patch kids(I ate all my husbands out of his Easter basket, but I bought him a big bag in return.... I am still waiting for him to OPEN the bag so I can help myself again. Haha) But anyway... this week I was really into FRUIT SNACKS! I bought a huge box of Scooby Doo fruit snacks and ate them all within three days at work. I. Could. Not. Stop. I mean, I ate them all till my tummy hurt. I don't think I can look at a fruit snack right now, but they tasted SOOO good at the time! Haha. Along with all the fresh fruit I have been eating by the carton, I am realizing I am obsessed with fruity candies and gummies!
Acid Reflux? Nope... just heartburn! But nothing life threatening...
Anything making you queasy or sick? Too many fruit snacks?! Haha... But really, Sunday I felt back to square one, back to major food aversions and upset tummy aches. Nothing was sitting right in my tummy. Sunday was a rough day... nothing interested me as far as food and I was NOT feeling well. It wasn't till dinner time that I could eat a full meal and not feel sick, and then came the heartburn! I guess you never win! Haha.
This Weeks Symptoms? Umm.. nothing out of the blue.... so far, my feet seem to be about the same size as before, no crazy veins have popped up, no stretch marks thus far, and I am feeling healthy and happy!
Gender?! Sweet Salvatore... our eyes are seeing nothing but blue(in a good way), baby! Maybe I can sneak in ONE photo shoot with a flower head band... (joking- my husband wouldn't let me touch the kid after that) but really.. the girl clothes are SO much cuter... I mean my mom and I were walking around Target last weekend and we saw the CUTEST spotted rain coat for a little girl. It was on a rack with lots of other cute spring coats for girls. Then I look around and I don't think I saw ONE spring coat for a boy! Really? Ugh!
Any Movement? Oh ya... Sweet Sal has his days.... Saturday night the house was full of friends and family with lots of music, loud talking, and laughter celebrating many things from Lindsay's birthday, Kentucky Derby, Cinco De Mayo, to Tyler's dad's last party that he will host in that house. It was a blast! Tyler and his dad smoked a full size pig, which I heard was absolutely delicious, and there were fun drinks from jell-o shots in orange peals to blue-raspberry martinis, which I also heard were delicious! It was a great time had by all! When everyone left and I got up to bed around midnight I was laying in the silent darkness ready to fall asleep from the busy day but I think Sal was sad the party was over. He was moving all over the place! I think he enjoyed everyone over. Good to know he can enjoy a party because Tyler and I plan on hosting many once we have the house in order!
Labor Signs? nope
Belly Button: in or out? out(ish)
Wedding rings on or off? On
Overall Mood this week? Ummm... probably a little anxious... Tyler and I started our child birthing classes! We have two more Wednesdays of these. VERY interesting. Slightly scary but very interesting. I feel like we will actually learned a lot so far. I feel like people joke about these classes, but I think they are very informative and helpful for understanding the process... but like I said, also puts thoughts and worries in my head about the whole thing! I know as women we must trust our bodies, but I am not quite there yet with myself. The whole thing is just amazing and I wonder how the hell I will be able to do all of that, but like I said, I have to trust that this is what a woman's body does. Scary. But some anxiety is also about the house and having everything in it's place so we can sit back and enjoy before the arrival of our little man.
Looking forward to? Getting the house turned over... these next two weeks will be constant packing and unpacking. Packing Tyler's dad's stuff and unpacking ours. It will be a lot of work, but it also means I am that much closer to having my girl's cleaning weekend... yes, I have my mom and a girlfriend that I use to work at M&I with in Madison, Nicole, who loves cleaning and organizing who will be over helping me "nest" and getting the home in order for our family.
Pit of the week? No volleyball... Really missed playing this week! I think it will get harder with the summer right around the corner, too. Summer just screams sand volleyball to me!!
Peak of the week? The Saturday night party.... it is always awesome to be surrounded by friends and family in celebration. I am already looking forward to the next time we can have everyone over. Hopefully VERY soon!
Make it a great week everyone !
Much Love, Jax
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