Monday, May 7, 2012

21 Weeks

Exercising?   Just a little walking....but missing volleyball already!  :(  How do women keep up with a workout routine when they are pregnant!?  I am serious... I would like answers here!  I am so curious to know... this is so much harder than I had expected!   I even tell myself at night to just do a couple push ups and a couple squats... but the energy and motivation are not there enough to make me actually DO THEM by the time I am home.... Relaxing is the only thing on my mind!  Ugh.... I need a coach or personal trainer to kick my butt into gear!  I am sure all this work we are doing around the house helps with keeping me active.  Moving/Packing/Unpacking is a HUGE chore, and the cleaning and organizing that comes with is a BEAST!! 

Maternity clothes?  Yes...  hopefully we can see some sunshine and better weather so I can bust out summer dresses!  It will be great ways to feel "cute" and dress up this bump.  Still missing my fashionista self, but making it through.     

Sleeping?  Still not really liking this whole "sleeping on the left side" thing, but I am doing it....  and I am serious about this left ear thing.  Can ears fall asleep?  I sware, it hurts to touch it when I get up sometimes!  You know that feeling when your hair has been in a tight ponytail all day and you come home and let it down and the hair actually hurts because it was tied up all day?  I wonder if this is my ear's problem.... it gets smushed into my pillow all night and by the time I get up I have to practically peal it away from my head.  I wouldn't be surprised if my right hear stuck out more than my left ear right now.  But hey, it's all for the bay-bay, little Sal...  

Missing Anything?   Actually... no.... even being around lots drinking this weekend for Lindsay's birthday/Kentucky Derby/Cinco De Mayo, I am feeling pretty good about NOT drinking.  I might think I miss it for the initial minutes that people are sipping these tasty looking beverages in front of me, but really, I am loving the clear mind and for sure not missing the hangovers!  In the past several weeks I have grown to love my sober personality just as much as my "couple drinks later" personality.  I have learned a lot about myself and that I CAN BE FUN without being the little drinking fish that I use to be!    

Food cravings?  I think I might have had some cravings this week!  Usually when I go for candy I am a choco-holic... but with this pregnancy, I don't really go straight for the chocolate... I got for the fruity candy like jelly beans, starbursts, gummies, sour patch kids(I ate all my husbands out of his Easter basket, but I bought him a big bag in return.... I am still waiting for him to OPEN the bag so I can help myself again. Haha)  But anyway... this week I was really into FRUIT SNACKS!  I bought a huge box of Scooby Doo fruit snacks and ate them all within three days at work.  I. Could. Not. Stop.  I mean, I ate them all till my tummy hurt.  I don't think I can look at a fruit snack right now, but they tasted SOOO good at the time!  Haha.  Along with all the fresh fruit I have been eating by the carton, I am realizing I am obsessed with fruity candies and gummies!  

Acid Reflux?  Nope... just heartburn!  But nothing life threatening...  

Anything making you queasy or sick?   Too many fruit snacks?!  Haha... But really, Sunday I felt back to square one, back to major food aversions and upset tummy aches.  Nothing was sitting right in my tummy.  Sunday was a rough day... nothing interested me as far as food and I was NOT feeling well.  It wasn't till dinner time that I could eat a full meal and not feel sick, and then came the heartburn!  I guess you never win!  Haha.  

This Weeks Symptoms?  Umm.. nothing out of the blue.... so far, my feet seem to be about the same size as before, no crazy veins have popped up, no stretch marks thus far, and I am feeling healthy and happy!

 Gender?!  Sweet Salvatore... our eyes are seeing nothing but blue(in a good way), baby!  Maybe I can sneak in ONE photo shoot with a flower head band... (joking- my husband wouldn't let me touch the kid after that) but really.. the girl clothes are SO much cuter... I mean my mom and I were walking around Target last weekend and we saw the CUTEST spotted rain coat for a little girl.  It was on a rack with lots of other cute spring coats for girls.  Then I look around and I don't think I saw ONE spring coat for a boy!  Really?  Ugh!    

Any Movement?   Oh ya... Sweet Sal has his days....  Saturday night the house was full of friends and family with lots of music, loud talking, and laughter celebrating many things from Lindsay's birthday, Kentucky Derby, Cinco De Mayo, to Tyler's dad's last party that he will host in that house.  It was a blast!  Tyler and his dad smoked a full size pig, which I heard was absolutely delicious, and there were fun drinks from jell-o shots in orange peals to blue-raspberry martinis, which I also heard were delicious!  It was a great time had by all!  When everyone left and I got up to bed around midnight I was laying in the silent darkness ready to fall asleep from the busy day but I think Sal was sad the party was over.  He was moving all over the place!  I think he enjoyed everyone over.  Good to know he can enjoy a party because Tyler and I plan on hosting many once we have the house in order!  

Labor Signs?  nope  

Belly Button: in or out?  out(ish)  

Wedding rings on or off?   On  

Overall Mood this week?  Ummm... probably a little anxious... Tyler and I started our child birthing classes!  We have two more Wednesdays of these.  VERY interesting.  Slightly scary but very interesting.  I feel like we will actually learned a lot so far.  I feel like people joke about these classes, but I think they are very informative and helpful for understanding the process... but like I said, also puts thoughts and worries in my head about the whole thing!  I know as women we must trust our bodies, but I am not quite there yet with myself.  The whole thing is just amazing and I wonder how the hell I will be able to do all of that, but like I said, I have to trust that this is what a woman's body does.  Scary.  But some anxiety is also about the house and having everything in it's place so we can sit back and enjoy before the arrival of our little man.    

Looking forward to?  Getting the house turned over... these next two weeks will be constant packing and unpacking.  Packing Tyler's dad's stuff and unpacking ours.  It will be a lot of work, but it also means I am that much closer to having my girl's cleaning weekend... yes, I have my mom and a girlfriend that I use to work at M&I with in Madison, Nicole, who loves cleaning and organizing who will be over helping me "nest" and getting the home in order for our family.    

Pit of the week?  No volleyball... Really missed playing this week!  I think it will get harder with the summer right around the corner, too.  Summer just screams sand volleyball to me!!  

Peak of the week?  The Saturday night party....  it is always awesome to be surrounded by friends and family in celebration.  I am already looking forward to the next time we can have everyone over.  Hopefully VERY soon!

 Make it a great week everyone !
Much Love,

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