Sunday, May 20, 2012

23 Weeks

What's in a name?  Why do some names tug heart stings more than others?  How do people really come down to saying- yup that's the name, no ifs, ands, or butts about it!  

For me, having that responsibility to pick a name out for my child came easy this time around... I basically got off the hook.  Although I had my ideas on fabulous names, they will go back into the vault for baby #2, because now that we know we are having a boy... Salvatore is the chosen name.  Is it a name I would have picked out of my back pocket?  No, not at all.  In fact, long before we were even pregnant Tyler said he wanted his first son to be named Salvatore, after his Great Grandpa Salvatore.  I seriously thought he was joking.  He had to be...  Salvatore?  Really?  My thoughts as an art major go straight to the very messed up life of the famous "melting clocks" artist, Salvatore Dali. (which I knew from when I was young because we lived with my Aunt Julie who had one of his prints in her house)  So, I went home to my mom and said, "Mom, you won't believe what Tyler wants to name our first son!?  SALVATORE!"  She smiles and says, "I LOVE THAT NAME!  Awwww, Sweet Sal."  Damn, I thought... he wins.  (Why is it that my mom and Tyler have the same train of thought? I always lose when I consult...)  So here is the break down.....  

Gender: Boy
Origin: Italian
Meaning: Saviour, rescuer
Pronunciation:  (sal VAH tor ay)  although it seems most people (even Tyler and I) do not pronounce the "ay" on a regular basis, but it sounds awesome when you do in an Italian accent.  

So after looking into this it really made me think.  Great Grandpa Salvatore Foti was a Saviour and rescuer.  He brought the Foti family from a small town in Sicily named Milazzo (which we hope to visit next year if we are able to follow through with our Italy trip).  He brought his family over like many foreigners do, on a boat, to make a good life for them here in America.  I am sure he looks down on all the Fotis everyday with a huge grin of satisfaction.  If it weren't for Great Grandpa Salvatore and his long journey with his family, there would be no Tyler Foti in my life.  So what better way can I honor this man than by naming our first son in hopes that he lives with the motivation and determination for hard work and a great life just like all the Fotis have done for themselves following the brave leader, Great Grandpa Salvatore.    

It makes me realize that when you truly have a name in the books (no ifs, ands, or butts about it) and you find a deep meaning that tugs at your heart stings, no one can poke holes in it.  Of course, many people have their opinions and will openly share with you....  "Oh he will be changing that name as soon as he is 18." or "Is he going to carry a gun? (Mafia assumptions)"  And so, I get it, it is NOT a popular name and, yes, we do live in America... so why such an ethnic name, "Salvatore"?   And not that I ever have to give a reason to anyone else for naming my son that, but I am sure he will ask one day... and I will say "Because Salvatore Foti of Milazzo Italy made this life possible for your father and we are thankful of his hard work, the traditions past down, and dedication to family, as we would want you to be as you grow up and make a life for yourself."  

On another note, this does give me the upper hand for the next baby's name, right?  hehe  

Exercising?   Oh ya, back to feeling the burn!  Had a great start this week to my prenatal yoga/strength training routine.  It is always hard to do these things at home when you know you should, but being in a room full of pregnant women are looking phenomenal sure does motivate me to NOT GIVE UP on working out even though the drive is so not there right now!  I just feel a little jiggly and gushy all over... and usually that gets me out the door for a a walk and some push-ups, but with all our busy-ness, I can't seem to fill my free time with more activity... I prefer some fresh fruit (Thank God that's not chips and candy) and the couch.  Hehe.    

Maternity clothes?  We got all moved into our walk in closet and it was awesome to step in and see everything hanging there nicely for me to pick out what might be comfortable for today!   Makes getting ready in the morning a little less painful!  I was feeling fabulous in my non-maternity sundress that I wore at the wedding this past weekend.  I truly felt "pretty" and even fashionable! 

Sleeping? Oh, I hit the mattress hard this week.  It had to be from all the moving and shaking we were doing on the house.  I can foresee some better sleeping in the next couple weeks due to the high volume of activity... I can't even break in my new couch yet!  THERE IS SO MUCH TO BE DONE!  This week we have the painters... and next week we are starting "operation: clean out Salvatore's room" so that we can get a good start decorating!  I am guessing it will take some work considering I have perpendicular stripes to paint on the wall after the painters do the base... and the silhouettes of the tree and.... the Winnie the Pooh characters!  Oh boy... sleeping will probably be heaven during these BUSY weeks!  

Missing Anything?   You would think after being at the wedding this weekend I would say DRINKING... but I think I missed being on the dance floor MORE than drinking!  Watching everyone dance was kinda hard.  I wanted to be out there and I was slightly tempted to just go out there and dance, but I could not bring myself to do it.  Just did not feel in the mood to shake my thang... plus the heartburn(?) was enough to make me scream!  It hurt no matter what position I sat in, but standing gave me some relief.  

Food cravings?  NADA!    

Heartburn? I say heartburn(?) because I am starting to really question what this pain is!  Someone suggested it was my diaphragm being squished because I was was feeling it in my back and standing gave me some relief.  I don't know what this pain is, but I am looking forward to seeing my doctor this week to talk about it.  I know there might not be a cure or way to completely get rid of it, but I would say just knowing what it could be and making sure that it is a "safe" pain will make me feel better...  

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Had a ROUGH Saturday morning!  I swear... it comes out of no where... I woke up with a major tummy ache and I thought eating breakfast would be a help... i went back to bed.  I wanted to give myself a lot of time to get ready for the wedding because I knew I would take breaks after everything!  Shower, break, dry my hair, break, makeup, break... haha... but with lots of water and some snack bars I was feeling the energy back and we made it to the wedding with no problem.   

This Weeks Symptoms?  Nothing TOO crazy!  Just tummy ache on Saturday which I am attributing to morning sickness and this crazy pain right under mt heart and into my back!  So far, I think i have little to complain about! 

Any Movement?  Of course!  AND Tyler got to feel a little punch/kick TOO!  It took a little patience, but he felt it!  Here is the sweetest and weirdest thing...Sometimes I will be watching TV or doing something in a room by myself and Tyler will walk in and start talking and Sal starts moving all over in response to Tyler's voice.  I think Tyler might already have the "favorite parent" title locked in and Sal is not even here yet!!!  hehe.  So I will continue to monitor this but this has happened on several occasions...  I wonder if Sal is as excited to meet us as we are to meet him?     

Labor Signs?  nope  

Belly Button: in or out?  So I think it is safe to say, that little bugger is out!  

Wedding rings on or off?   On  

Overall Mood this week?  Very Overwhelmed.  Wednesday night, before our last birth and newborn care class, we were eating dinner and Tyler said, "I wish it were September 16th right now"  I about shit my pants... "I don't!  YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE HAVE TO DO!? And I am not ready for labor yet either.... but really?  You know how much work is a head of us in these next months!?"  On the upside, it is so awesome, and almost calming, to soak in his excitement because if I think about the logistics too much I think my brain will explode with to-do lists and fears!  But if I cave into his mentality of having a little babe around to cuddle and awe over, I feel the excitement with him!  

Looking forward to?  This is a "down the road" looking forward to... but I am looking forward to my house being completely organized and cleaned from top to bottom so that I can sit on the back porch in the sun with a virgin cocktail and a book.  I would like to enjoy a little of this peace and quiet that I might have left....      

Pit of the week?  Typically I am a person who LOVES to be busy, busy, busy.  I fill my schedule, often double booking myself, because I can't sit still.  I wish I could say that being pregnant hasn't changed that, but I think it has!  I think I yearn for those nights when I have nothing planned and I can eat dinner and sit on the couch and watch mindless television.  I think this might be out of fear I will not be able to do that for a LONG time... maybe I subconsciously think I should get all that laziness in right now while I can because come September it will be NON-STOP all over again.  Then again maybe this is a good stage... I relate it to when you have the flu and you are home sick for a week, immobile, but by the time that flu is gone you want to jump up and run laps because you are so sick of being tied to the couch for so long!  Maybe this is my "flu" stage and come September I will have all motivation back that I use to have!  Haha...  

Peak of the week? Well, We have a HOME!  Tyler's dad is about 98% moved out!  There are still little odds and ends here and there that he will collect over the summer, but now it is up to Ty and me to make it "ours"...  We are looking forward to getting it all together and presentable in hopes to have our first party in JUNE!  It is awesome to feel the rewards of cleaning and organizing, knowing that this is OUR home, and we want to make it perfect for our family.    

Summer is SOOO in the air!  
Loving this sunshine and beautiful weather!  
Make it a great week everyone!
Much Love,

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