Sunday, July 8, 2012

30 Weeks

Of course, I do not have a baby yet, but everything I am going to reference right now is what I hear from new parents… I truly think that Baya is a small taste of what Tyler and I will be dealing with when Sal is born!  I think I felt EVERY emotion in the book over the last week.  Happy, sad, excited, nervous, proud, pissed, anxious, calm, fear, anger, joy, surprised… you name it and I probably felt it - you can tell just by looking at me!  Haha.  Tyler and I have been so comfortable and structured with our lives and now we have made this huge change with bringing home a little pup and it has been a transition that I believe closely mirrors what most parents feel when they bring home a baby! 

I have never had a dog before so I did not realize the extreme emotional attachment that happens within days of bringing her home and I did not realize how completely responsible I would be feeling for her every waking move and at times it can be completely overwhelming… (Does this sound like bringing baby home?)  As angry and disappointed as she would make me when she cried, nipped or went after my carpet, all I wanted to do was teach her to be a good pup because I felt completely responsible to show my love through discipline.  From the bottom of my heart I just want to give her the opportunity and guidance to become the best dog she can be!  (Does this sound like wanting to do everything PERFECT for a baby?)  While she is trying to get use to us, we have also been trying to get use to HER!  It has taken us SEVERAL trips to PetCo, but after many tries we found some bones (rawhide free) that she loves and mentally stimulating games that diminish her puppy instincts to bite and chew on our hands and stuff!  (Does this sound like adapting to a baby’s needs and wants?)  As we began to adapt to her and make her happy, she was able to do the same with us!  Tyler has already taught her a number of little tricks including the SIT command!  Honest to God, it feels so awesome to see her growing into a great dog within DAYS right before our eyes!  (Does this sound like a baby’s development and growth?)  We have jumped leaps and bounds this past week and the joy of owning a dog has already been an amazing experience even though every day is not a great day… (Does this sound like having a baby?)  The ups and downs of the week are way too many to count, but when all is said and done… I couldn’t be happier with our new little addition to our family and I feel like it is great taste for what Tyler and I are about to dive into with Sal.      

Daddy's girl <3

Auntie Suzie came to visit!

Exercising?  Nothing conventional except for walking… even then, our walks are revolved around our little friend who is NOT the best walker on a leash, yet.  She is making strides, but she is VERY stubborn in the heat!  I don’t blame her but we are finding that walks are the best way to drain her little puppy crazies!  The heat doesn’t allow me very long walks either, so we are trying a couple small walks a day.    

Maternity clothes?  Just sport shorts and tank tops this week!  Way too hot for fashion with a belly like this!  Work has just been in dresses!

Sleeping?   The beginning of the week was a little rough.  Baya was on a 2 - 2.5 hour potty schedule.  Ultimately it didn’t matter if it was my night or Tyler’s night to take her out because her crying woke both of us any way… Her potty breaks turned into potty breaks for me as well.  I can tell I am back to getting up a few times a night to empty my bladder.  Sal loves to nest right on top of it and the fullness is so annoying!  Baya was getting better and better each night and by Wednesday night we took her out at midnight and when she woke us up at 5am we could NOT believe we just got to sleep 5 hours straight without her crying!  It was awesome.  I am sure all the great company she encountered at Tyler’s dads on the 4th kept her VERY busy and alert so she slept like a ROCK.  Here is a pic right after we got home from the party… Baya and I sat on the ground and we were both out like a rock withing minutes… after tyler took this picture he hit my foot waking me up.  I did not realize he had already forwarded the pic to plenty of people via text… haha.  But it is a cute one!

Missing Anything?  Being that I attended another great friend’s wedding this weekend, this one being with an open bar all night long, YES… I truly missed my drink in my hand and my butt on the dance floor!    

Food cravings?  Nope… just loving my pickles and cheese which is a usual combo for me.

Heartburn?  Nada…  

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Doing good… drinking my protein shakes and eating my oatmeal in the morning (this is what helped any nausea in the first couple months) and seems to be keeping any queasiness at bay.   

This Weeks Symptoms?  So remember last week when I said I was not emotional?  Haha… I should eat those words real fast.  Maybe it was the lack of sleep this week with Baya being up during the night and maybe it was the hormones kicking in to remind me this is not as easy as pie, but whatever it was the tears were flowing this week!  Some tears were from the overwhelming responsibility that I felt with Baya and others were pretty mushy.  For instance, at the wedding when the groom was dancing with his mother and she was crying into his arms, I could not control my thoughts and as I KNOW THIS DAY IS FAR AWAY, but I was hoping and praying that one day I will get to dance with Sal when he marries the love of his life.  It was so sweet to see this grown man hold his mother as she cried proud tears into his chest.  And remember when I said I missed my drink in my hand and my butt on the dance floor… well, the hour ride home I cried about wanting to go out and have a great night like I use to be able to but also hoping that I will not feel guilty as a mom because I want to go out with the ladies and have a couple drinks… I am sure this will be fine and although I always hinted to Tyler that life is over when you have a baby (he hates when I say this) I know he will be the first to say – go out and let me stay with Sal tonight.  So I am trying not to over think and over emotionalize this issue.  Also the heat is getting to me a little more than I wanted it to, but it is better than snow so I am not going to complain about this and I will be drinking lots of water while enjoying little bouts outdoors.      

Any Movement?   Oh ya!  One night he was pushing out on my right side, under my rib and it was almost like a limb was coming out of my tummy… there was a hard spot and even when I touched it, he would hardly move!  I was then telling Tyler to check this out.  As Tyler ran his hand along my tummy he could also feel this hard body part sticking out from the norm!  haha.  Who knows what he is up to, but he is still aware when his space is being invaded as well… Baya on the other hand is not fazed at all when he is kicking, punching, and moving because she always loves to sleep on my belly.    

Labor Signs?  Nope.

Belly Button: in or out?  Still out!

Wedding rings on or off?   On mostly when I am at work or leaving the house, but hardly moving when they are on.  It’s a nice snug fit right now thanks to the 100 degree weather!

Overall Mood this week?  Like I said above, I felt every emotion in the book… the mood was ever changing.  This was great preparation for our next new arrival.  I am sure the first week with the baby being home will mirror this first week of Baya being home.  It is no doubt that Tyler and I already feel 100% more confident about how to care for our little Baya.  I am sure that the uncertainty of a newborn brings every emotion in the book and within a few weeks the confidence grows as well.

Looking forward to?  Well… we have really slowed down on the nursery and we are getting close to baby showers.  I. Need. To. Finish. It.  Hopefully this week will be a good week to do it!!    
Pit of the week?   Ribs and emotions – both got the best of me this week!  

Peak of the week?  Despite some rough road blocks and some new learning curves with having a puppy in our family, I am so proud of Tyler and myself for sticking though the challenging times and making the best out of everything.  I could not ask for a better partner through it all.  Even though we get stressed out some times, Tyler is always the first one to turn it around and see the positive from it.  He is never defeated and it is absolutely inspiring!  Baya is just going to be another product of our love for each other and our great team work that we strive for every day.  It is amazing to be sharing in this journey of life and love with such a remarkable man.  Just like the song of our first dance as husband and wife says, “These are the moments I thank God that I'm alive.  These are the moments I'll remember all my life.  I've got all I've waited for.  And I could not ask for more.”  When it comes to Tyler, I could not ask for more!    

Make it a great week everyone!
Much Love,

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