Monday, July 16, 2012

31 Weeks

Baya wanted to get in on the action... maybe next time she will face the camera!  Haha.  

Exercising?  We are still working on the "WALK" process with Baya.. I am sure it will be a while before she has it down, but it is going well!  The only bummer is it takes two of us to walk a little 10lb puppy.  Seems ridiculous, hey?  Ya, so one of us hold the leash (keeping her from straying away or trying to avoid her from just taking a seat in the middle of the road - which she likes to take lots of little breaks!) while the other one walks ahead encouraging her to "COME" while feeding her little bits of hot-dog to reward her for listening!  Haha... it is a strenuous routine (for Tyler, Baya, and me!) and after our walk to the park, a lot of running around chasing Tyler, and then our walk back home... she is ONE LITTLE POOPED OUT PUPPY!  But you know what they say, "A tired pup is a good pup" and that is FOR SURE!  We enjoy her the most when she can't keep her little puppy eyes open and she cuddles with us.  Haha. Here are some fun sleeping positions of a tired puppy - can't even stay on the PILLOW!   


Maternity clothes?  
Nothing new here

Sleeping?   We have a great routine down and as long as we tire Baya out, we are guaranteed at least a 5 hour uninterrupted block of sleep... it is a great 5 hours and we are enjoying it while we can because we often talk about how we are going to get use to this and we will feel like this is easy peasy but then, BOOM, Sal will have us up every hour and we will wish for the 5 hour block again!  Other than that ribs have been manageable at night so besides the fact that I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to sleep on my tummy, everything is going well in the sleeping department...

Missing Anything?  Ummm ya, I was talking with a girlfriend of mine about cleaning and it made me miss the nights where Tyler would be away and I would pop open a bottle of wine, crank up the music super high, and clean house like a mavin!  I understand most people don't have clean houses when they have a newborn, and I don't keep an immaculately spot free home to begin with, but I would like to know there will be those days/nights where I can have my alone time (at home), pop open that bottle of wine, turn up the jukebox, and clean my little heart out!  Haha... I am sure some people could think of better things to do with alone time, but cleaning is sooo productive and rewarding when you own a home!

Food cravings?
 Nothing food related...  Just craving to sleep on my tummy.  I think the first night I get to sleep on my tummy I will have the best night sleep ever... I mean, I hope I hear Sal cry if he needs me because I just know the second I get to lay on my tummy I will be ZZZzzzzz-ing like fully grown, tranquillized gorilla!  I can't see myself moving for anything.  

Heartburn?  Nothing this past week...  

Anything making you queasy or sick?
 Haha... great story... Thursday night I was not feeling too hot, had a rough night sleep (tummy bothering me), and by Friday morning I had my head in the toilet all over again...  Ugh! I was SOOOO hoping that this morning sickness would NOT come back.... so as I rested on the couch Friday with my cuddle buddy, Baya, Tyler and I were discussing what could have made my tummy so upset.  Tyler, being the wonderful and accommodating husband that he is has recently been buying me different juices to mix in water or with soda (like a virgin summer cocktails)... and as we went over the label for the newest one that he had bought (which I LOVED and DRANK A TON OF ON THURSDAY) we calculated that I had about the equivalent of 6 sodas with the sugar and caffeine that was in the juice (crystal light energy).  So I am pretty sure my body was having a total crash that required lots of rest and water Friday and Saturday...  On the upside, I can't say that Tyler is not trying- that drink was AWESOME and with it on ice, I really felt like I was drinking a summer cocktail!  But no more of that for me and Sal... back to cranberry juice and sprite for a while. 
Here are a couple pics of my cuddle buddy on Friday and Saturday when I wasn't feeling too hot. 


This Weeks Symptoms? 
Still a little emotional... nothing outrageously annoying, but I feel like Baya tugs at my heart strings A LOT and it is just crazy to me how much I want to be perfect for her.  I mean I could over look a dog in a heart beat a couple months ago, but now I look at her and my heart melts.  Other than some tears, I am beginning to feel a heavy weight in the center of my body.  I feel like someone strapped a belt to me with weights on it.  This is really all of a sudden that I feel this way and it is hard to explain, but the pressure that I felt on my bladder has now expanded outwards.  Bending down, shaving my legs, getting in/out of the car, and even tying my shoes is becoming a struggle.  Awesome.  Coming from someone who is quite the independent, I am not looking forward to the day I cannot tie my own freaking shoe.  Also feeling a little short of breath.  Salvatore is taking a lot of room up lately and I am curious to know how he can take MUCH more... I know it happens and I will obviously be finding out pretty soon here, but I can foresee the comfort level decreasing pretty quick.  Being TWO months away from my due date has began to (finally) interfere with my GO-GO-GO lifestyle.  This bump is slowing me down and making me really concentrate on all my actions along with making me realize there are something things I just can't do here on out!   

Any Movement?   It looks like an alien has taken over my tummy sometimes... I will be sitting on the couch or recliner and I will tell Tyler to look at my belly and there will be random spots that are clearly NOT in line with a round belly.  There was one night where there was something sticking out right above my belly button and it looked like there was a super ball trying to get out of my tummy... We like to think we gave him a high five... but who knows what little limb was stretching out there.  

Labor Signs?  No.

Belly Button: in or out?  Still out!

Wedding rings on or off?
 On during the day still... the bloating doesn't usually happen till after dinner and after walking... that's when I prefer them to be off.

Overall Mood this week?
 Preparing... trying to get Baya in order for our new arrival.  The vet visit was very reassuring that we are doing all the right things for bringing a baby home to a family with a puppy.  Think about it, by the time Sal even comes close to the ground Baya will be almost be a year old and probably have gone through at least three training classes...  They also said they see little worries with both of them so young and them growing up together should be a great way for them to get use to having each other around.  So now I am feeling very confident about how we are raising Baya and it makes me feel like I am in the preparing stages of raising a baby.  Baya needs 100% supervision right now and granted, she can be a handful (NO JOKE), I know the feelings of being frustrated and annoyed, yet so in love with this little creature.  This is why God makes puppies and babies so gosh darn CUTE.  They are a lot of work and they need patience and love and guidance, but when all is said and done the rewards last a lifetime.  

Looking forward to?  
Continuing our at home training with Baya.  It is awesome to be teaching her new things and seeing her react positively to us.  I am sure I am like every dog owner when I say - SHE IS SO SMART!  Haha... but really she is catching on like crazy.  I will attribute most/all of that to her breed.  Vizslas are highly intelligent and they LOVE to please their owners.  It would be great to be able to take her on a walk by myself, but I know she is young and we have to give her time to learn and adapt to the world around her!  (she is a little skittish still)  We are looking forward to getting her into a dog park ASAP (after all her shots in August)!  We want to get her playing with lots of different dogs as soon as possible.  She has already met a couple new friends, but two of the three were 6/7 times her size, so a little variety will be nice.  She seems to be scared of the larger dogs but she gains bravery and tries to play with them... She likes to tease.  Puppy socialization will happen in our kinder-puppy classes, too, which will be GREAT for her.    

Pit of the week?  Dehydration/upset tummy.  Also really wishing I could soak up this heat!!  This would be an ideal summer for me, but I just can't handle the heat for too long!  Wish I had a knob to turn down this internal heater!    

Peak of the week?  Feeling productive again!  Tyler and his awesome sister, Lindsay, put the crib, dresser, and changing table together on Monday.  It looks AWESOME and totally pumps me up to get this room in tip top shape ASAP!  And thanks to my vacation day (also on Monday) and lovely mother we got a HUGE chunk of the mural painted!  Check it out!  I am so eager to get in there and finish, unfortunately #1) Baya needs 100% supervision right now so I need to plan to have her hang out with Tyler and #2) I can NEVER open the damn paint container by myself without hurting my ribs, so Tyler needs to be around to do that anyway!  Crossing my fingers that this is the WEEK! Haha... I think I say that every week.  But really.. I need to get this done before my first baby shower - July 29th!  PICTURES TO COME SOON - PROMISE! 

one more very RANDOM thing: you know how little kids like to draw pictures of outside... sometimes with a house and a family (stick figures of course) with a tree, and the sky is blue and the tree is green, and the trunk is brown, and USUALLY the grass is green... Well any way, do you think they are confused and using a yellow crayon lately for the grass??  

Make it a great week everyone!
Much Love,

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